
  • 网络Limited Partnership;Limited liability partnership;LLP
  1. 与普通合伙企业相比,有限合伙企业需符合正式的法定要求。

    Disadvantages . A limited partnership is subject to formal statutory requirements not placed on general partnerships .

  2. 一个外国合伙方的存在,是否会让一个有限合伙企业丧失进行这种投资的资格呢?

    Will the existence of a single foreign partner disqualify a limited partnership from making such an investment ?

  3. 它们用来筹资的各个基金都组织成有限合伙企业的形式。

    The individual funds through which they raise money are limited partnerships .

  4. 新法律明确了适用于有限合伙企业的具体规定。

    Specific rules applicable to limited partnerships are set out in the law .

  5. 有限合伙企业开立证券账户合法性探讨

    The Investigation of the Legitimate of Limited Joint Enterprises to Open a Securities Account

  6. 有限合伙企业的成立和经营适用各州的有限合伙企业法。

    The creation and operation of limited partnerships are governed by the various state limited partnership acts .

  7. 有限合伙企业形式能够有效促进风险投资的发展,加强中小企业的建设。

    The mode of limited joint enterprises can effectively improve the development of risk investment and strengthen the construction of medium and small sized enterprises .

  8. 有限合伙企业是美国风险投资的首选模式,其立法和发展都较为成熟,而在我国却是新生事物。

    Limited co-partnership enterprise is the primary choice of American risk investment , whose legislation and development have been matured , while in China it is something new .

  9. 2007年《合伙企业法》颁布实施,通过了有限合伙企业制度,为我国私募股权投资基金的发展提供了新的制度空间与法律契机。

    In 2007 " Partnership Enterprise Law " has established a limited partnership enterprise system , which provide a new system and legal platform for the Private Equity Funds .

  10. 有限合伙企业制度是一种不同于普通合伙和有限责任公司的企业组织形式,但它是也符合市场经济本质要求的一种市场主体。

    Limited partnership is very different from general partnership and limited liability company , and it is a kind of enterprise form meeting with the requirement of market economy .

  11. 本章对有限合伙企业合伙人身份转变过程中的责任承担进行了集中探讨,主张法律应合理设定相关规则,以充分保障当事人与利害关系人的合法权益。

    This chapter focuses on the responsibility to bear in this transformation and argues that the law should set reasonable relevant rules in order to ensure fully the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and interested parties .

  12. 实践中有限合伙企业的普通合伙人与有限合伙人间可能会发生身份上的相互转变,法律应在该转变过程中加大对债权人的保护力度,以保障交易安全。

    In practice , between general partner and limited partner in a limited partnership may happen a status change each other . In this transformation , the law should pay attention to do more to protect creditors in order to guarantee transaction Security .

  13. 第四部分对国有企业管理层收购中国有资产流失问题分别从立法、转让对价和融资手段&建立有限合伙企业三个方面提出解决的对策。

    The fourth part is the countermeasure of the loss of state-owned property in the MBO practice of our state-owned business . It is mainly about three aspects : the legislation , transfer value and the financing method & establishment the limited partnership enterprise .

  14. 假定100%的派息比率,投资者每年就可望得到6.7%的回报,就像很多业主有限责任合伙企业(MasterLimitedPartnerships)的安排一样。

    Investors should expect to receive 6.7 % annually assuming a 100 % payout ratio similar to how many master limited partnerships are structured .

  15. 随着容量的增加,租金也许会承受压力,这将打击业主有限合伙制企业的盈利能力。正在建造油罐的RoseRockMidstream表示,平均租金已经下跌。

    Lease rates may come under pressure as capacity grows , hitting the profitability of master limited partnerships . Rose Rock Midstream , which is building tanks , said average rates had fallen .

  16. 对于多数私人股本企业而言,其起点是单个或多个个人建立一个有限责任合伙企业(LLP),然后从一群投资者那里筹集资金。

    The starting point for most firms is for an individual or group of individuals to set up a limited liability partnership ( LLP ) and raise capital from a group of investors .

  17. 他特别指出了业主有限合伙制企业。

    He specifically pointed to Master Limited Partnerships , or MLPs .

  18. 其中一种合伙制企业叫做有限责任合伙企业,包含全面的合伙人和有限的合伙人。

    One kind of partnership is called a limited liability partnership . These have full partners and limited partners .

  19. 然后对有限合伙制企业的治理结构进行了深入的探讨,分析其防范资信风险的作用机理。

    Second , the chapter discusses the governance mechanism , analyzing function mechanism for limited partnership corporation to prevent and monitor credit-risk .

  20. 其中一种合伙制企业叫做有限责任合伙企业,包含全面的合伙人和有限的合伙人。有限合伙人不能分享那么多收益,但是也无需承担那么多责任。

    One kind of partnership is called a limited Limited partners may not share as much in the profits , but they also have less responsibility for the business .

  21. 本章首先分析了我国风险投资机构组织形式的现状,目前我国广泛存在三种组织形式:准基金、中外合作型和公司型,目前我国法律还不允许存在有限合伙制企业。

    First , the chapter analyses status of China Venture Capital Enterprises , and there are three kinds of organization existing widely : fund mode , China and foreign countries cooperation mode and corporation mode , law prohibits limited partnership corporation .

  22. 它们开始采用一些稀奇古怪的企业组织形式,例如有限责任有限合伙企业(lllp),上市合伙企业(ptp)和不动产投资信托(reit)等。

    They have adopted exotic forms of corporate organisation , such as limited liability limited partnerships ( lllps ) , publicly traded partnerships ( PTPs ) and real estate investment trusts ( REITs ) .

  23. 资金还可以从其它私人机构比如承担有限责任的合伙企业获得。

    Capital can be obtained from other individuals through limited partnerships .

  24. 然而,与普通合伙人不同的是,有限合伙人利用合伙企业的损失抵消其他收入的能力受到一定限制。

    However , unlike general partners , the limited partners are subject to certain limitations on their ability to utilize partnership losses to offset other income .

  25. 新增了特殊的普通合伙和有限合伙两种合伙企业类型。

    Add the special ordinary partnership and limited partnership two partnership type .

  26. 有限合伙&风险投资企业的最佳选择

    Limited Partnership-Best Choice of Venture Capital Enterprises

  27. 有限责任合伙与其他企业形式有何区别,其特色又是什么?

    What 's the difference between the LLP and other corporation forms , and what 's the features ?

  28. 有限合伙作为一种企业组织形式,具有普通合伙和公司无法比拟的优势,是风险投资的最佳中介选择。

    Limited partnership is a form of organization of the company and it has incomparable advantage over common partnership and companies , which makes it the best choice for risk investment .

  29. 论文对有限合伙制房地产企业多项目管理组织结构设计方面的研究,具有一定的理论价值和实践指导意义,希望能为相关企业提供一定参考。

    The thesis of limited partnership real estate enterprise multi-project management organizational structure design , has a certain theoretical value and practical significance , and hope to provide a reference for relevant enterprises .

  30. 与有限合伙不同,在有限责任合伙企业中,所有合伙人都可以参与企业的管理。

    Unlike a limited partnership , all of the partners in a limited liability partnership may participate in management of the firm .