- 网络aerobic energy

Through consulting documentation and experiential method , this paper makes a research on organic energy , which is mainly from ATP-CP and oxygen providing energy .
That the energy supply of the system of non-lactic acid , lactic acid and with oxygen in its match .
Whereas oxygen energy supply capacity is the base , meanwhile one of athletes ' important and basic performance abilities .
Physical stamina of Sanda is mainly the development of the ability of the lactic acid to supply energy , with the aerobic system as a supplement .
Effects of treadmill training on rate-limiting enzyme in glycolysis and aerobic oxidation energy supplying system of rats
At rest , Myocardial metabolism is normally aerobic with blood free fatty acid and utilised as subtract for oxidation , and it also absorbs lactate .
Though the energy supply of aerobic metabolism is few part of necessary energy in800 meters race , it is the important means to dispel lactic acid in vivo .
[ 1 ] In the cross-country ski race , the body requires both aerobic metabolism for energy , but also need to anaerobic glycolysis , in the energy supply ratio , the proportion of aerobic metabolism for energy is higher than the proportion of anaerobic metabolism for energy .
Endurance training can reduce the blood lactate concentration and MDA content , Indicating body endurance training can improve the aerobic oxidation capacity and the antioxidant system function . 2 .
Research on the Aerobic and Anaerobic Energy Supply Level of Chinese Elite Women Handball Players
Third , the proper times of serving the ball and the turns of players are good for the training and improve the ability of energy supply of players ' non-oxygen and aerobic energy supply system .
The results indicated that the characteristic of energy supply in practice chang-quan is made up of CP ? glycolysis and aerobic metabolism .
The result shows that hockey is the sports that require the combination of individual and group , aerobic and anaerobic supplement .
Furthermore , it pointed out that soccer training should reasonably plan training proportion of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism supply based on energy supply proportion of body movement , rather than only pay attention to one energy supply system and neglect another .
The energy provided during body movement comes from three pathways . They are aerobic metabolism , anaerobic metabolism and ATP-CP system .