
  • 网络Organism;Organicism;organic view
  1. 建设性后现代主义是一种整体有机论,它的理论基础是英国当代思想家阿尔弗里德·诺斯·怀特海(A.N.Whitehead)的过程哲学。

    Constructive Postmodernism is a kind of Integrate Organism which is based on the improvement of Process Philosophy of contemporary British philosopher Alfred · North · Whitehead .

  2. 俄国文艺批评中的生命有机论思想及其历史影响

    Organism of Art in the Russian Literary Criticism and Its Historical Influence

  3. 论马克思有机论的实践自然观

    On Marx 's practical view of nature of organic theory

  4. 有机论自然观的生态伦理学意蕴

    The connotation of ecological ethics of outlook on nature in organic theory

  5. 因此,马克思自然观是有机论的实践自然观。

    In conclusion , Marx 's view of nature is of organic theory .

  6. 中国有机论哲学与西方后现代的哲学方法整体有机论;

    Chinese Organic Philosophy and Western Post-modern philosophical method – Holistic Organic Theory ;

  7. 西方有机论自然观与生态伦理思想的契合与相异

    On Agreement and Difference Between Western Organism and Eco-ethics

  8. 理性主义文化模式内涵的转换与怀特海的有机论重构

    The Switch of Rationalism Culture Pattern 's Connotation and Whitehead 's Organism Reconstruction

  9. 确切地说,这一思想模式更多地表现为有机论与原子论的综合平衡。

    Precisely speaking , this paradigm mainly embodies the balance of organicism and atomism .

  10. 随着宗教改革和市场经济的出现,宗教领域和世俗领域的有机论走向衰落。

    With the emergence of religion reform and market economy , religious and social organism declined .

  11. 现代哲学物质观可分为实践论物质观、有机论物质观与整体论物质观。

    Contemporary philosophical outlooks on substances fall into practicism , organic theory and doctrine of entirety .

  12. 换而言之,有机论自然观具有与生态伦理思想相契合的某些资质。

    In other words , there is agreement between the organic natural view and thoughts of eco-ethics .

  13. 或许,我们可以把有机论自然观作为通往生态伦理的哲学基础之一。

    Perhaps , we may view the organic natural views as part of ( philosophic ) foundations of eco-ethics .

  14. 中国传统文化的有机论思想是现代科学有机论思想的重要来源。

    The organist thought in Chinese traditional culture is an important source of the organist thought in modern science .

  15. 它总是像一对舞者,原子论和有机论,在并不舒服的哲学舞蹈中起舞。

    It has always resembled a pair of dancers , atomism and organicism , engaged in an uncomfortable philosophical dance .

  16. 在有机论的基础上,格里芬倡导的后现代科学范式是泛经验论和有机整体论。

    On the basis of the Organic theory , Griffin Points out that the paradigm of postmodernism scientific is Pan-experientialism and Integrate Organism .

  17. 前言:为了消解现代性对“世界的祛魅”,建设性后现代主义提出了“整体有机论”。

    In order to clear up " the disenchantment of the world " by modernism , constructive postmodernism put forward " integrate organism " .

  18. 他提出生物学中的有机论的概念,强调把有机体当作一个整体或系统来考察。

    He put forward the theory of organism in biology , in which he emphasized that we should investigate the organism as a whole system .

  19. 有机论不仅肯定个体的主体性和经验性,并强调终极因和目的因之间的联系。

    Organic theory is not only affirm of the individual subjectivity and empirical , but also confirm that the relation between the final cause and purpose .

  20. 以格里芬为代表的建设性后现代主义以一种批判性的,建设性的态度对待现代主义,提出了整体有机论,给我们了一个全新的视野。

    Constructive postmodernism represented by Eddie Griffin with their critical and constructive attitude towards postmodernism proposed the " integrate organism " which gives us a brand new vision .

  21. 消除生态危机,使自然界死而复活,关键不是恢复有机论,而是寻找人的再生。

    The key issue is not to revive organism , but to seek the rebirth of man to avoid ecology crisis , and make the dead nature relive .

  22. 朱熹是李约瑟用以说明道家有机论自然观对中国科学技术有促进作用的三个典型之一。

    Zhuxi is one of the typical examples what Needham sued explaining that Taoism 's organic nature theory is the stimulates of the ancient Chinese science and technology .

  23. 今日的文艺消费研究应转换思路,以整体论的方法包容和超越近代以来的分析方法,以整体有机论取代机械还原论,以揭橥文艺消费问题的玄奥。

    The future of the literature-art consumption study should therefore adopt an integrated approach instead of mechanistic reductionism in order to penetrate the myth of the literature-art consumption .

  24. 创建具有中国特色的有机论辩证唯物主义地学哲学,应该并必须从我国古代有机论自然观中吸取丰富的营养。

    To found an organic argument dialectical materialistic Earth science philosophy with Chinese character , we should and must draw rich nutrition from Chinese ancient organic natural point of view .

  25. 在西方思潮的影响下,科学成为一种主义和信仰而大行其道,在科学的解释下,机械论宇宙观取代了传统的有机论宇宙观。

    Under the influence of western thoughts , science becomes popular as a kind of doctrine and belief . With scientific explanation , the mechanistic world view replaces the organic world view .

  26. 在古代和中世纪,以有机论为主导的思想模式,体现在早期财产法上,则是以其社会性为目的,强调私有财产的社会义务和社会责任。

    In ancientry and in the Middle Ages , the early property law which embodied the paradigm dominated by organicism stressed the social obligation and responsibility of private property and aimed at sociableness .

  27. 他们以现代自然科学的最近发展成果为依据,从怀特海的整体有机论出发,以全新的视角看待人与自然的关系,提出了崭新的生态观。

    Based on recent development of modern natural science and The overall organic theory of A.N.Whitehead , it provides a completely new ecological thought from a new perspective on relationship between human and nature .

  28. 第三节阐释了文化有机论框架下他对中国文化发展的认识,从而表达了他对战后文化重建的构想和期望。

    Third section explains his understanding on the development of Chinese culture under the framework of the cultural organic view , so as to express his heavy construction thought and expectations about postwar culture .

  29. 而今天,我们正处于又一次思想模式变革的中间,这次变革建立在更为复杂的知识的基础上,即主导地位正在转向整体论,这是一种不那么绝对的有机论。

    Today , we are in the midst of another paradigm shift in which , based on even more sophisticated knowledge , the lead is passing to holism , a less comprehensive version of organicism .

  30. 一部分是有机论,主导了几个世纪;直到个体主义,反映了有关世界运行方式更为精确的科学知识的时候,原子论才在17世纪的思想模式的变革中占据了领导地位。

    One partner , organicism , led for centuries until atomism , reflecting a more refined scientific knowledge about the way the world worked , emerged to take the lead in the seventeenth-century paradigm shift .