
yǒu xiào zī chǎn
  • Effective assets;available assets
  1. 那是计算有效资产组合所得到的最终结果。

    That is the final aspect of the efficient portfolio calculations .

  2. 投资者的有效资产组合选择的数理分析

    Mathematical analysis of the selection of investor 's efficient portfolio

  3. 阿托-资产周转率,如何有效资产的使用;

    ATO-asset turnover , how efficiently assets are used ;

  4. 然后他又计算出有效资产组合边界。

    Then he computes the efficient portfolio frontier .

  5. 投资者的有效资产组合的选择是决定其投资业绩的一个重要过程。

    The selection of investor 's efficient portfolio is an important process to decide the investment achievement .

  6. 投资组合的核心是选择合适的风险度量方法,然后进行有效资产配置。

    The core of the portfolio selection is to select the appropriate risk measurement meth-ods and effective asset allocation .

  7. 有效资产管制条件下电网企业资产更换决策研究

    Research on the Decision-making of Asset Replacement for Power Grid Enterprise under the Condition of Regulatory Asset 's Regulation

  8. 解释按钮按下事件并将其映射到一个有效的资产STATUS(下一节将详细介绍)。

    Interpret the button press event and map it to a valid asset STATUS ( more on this in the next section ) .

  9. SOA:更有效的资产管理的要求

    SOAs : Demand for more effective asset management

  10. 他们实施RationalAssetManager来解决如何有效重用资产这个日益严峻的问题。

    They implemented Rational Asset Manager to solve the increasingly serious problem of how to maintain effective asset reuse across the whole company .

  11. 实践证明EAM系统以优化企业资源为核心,其成功实施和应用可以有效提高资产利用率,降低企业运行维护成本为。

    EAM system is proven to optimize business resources as the core of its successful implementation and its applications can improve asset utilization , reduce operation and maintenance costs .

  12. 提高效率,减少成本,有效利用资产。

    Increase efficiency of services , reduce costs and efficiently utilize assets .

  13. 有效的资产生命周期管理在电力行业的重要性

    Contribution of Effective Asset Lifecycle Management in Electric Power Enterprise

  14. 因此,进行有效的资产重组是上市公司重整成功的必要条件。

    Therefore , effective asset restructuring of listed companies is a necessary condition for successful reorganization .

  15. 加强固定资产管理有效提高资产使用率

    To strengthen the management of fixed assets and effectively improve asset utilization stock of capital goods

  16. 如果企业披露有效的资产价值及未来现金流信息,市场就会发挥最佳效力。

    Markets function best when companies disclose valid information about the values of their assets and future cash flows .

  17. 有效的资产管理很大程度上依靠建立一个定义良好的描述角色、策略、状态和转换的管理流程。

    Effective asset management depends heavily on establishing a well-defined governance process that describes roles , policies , states , and transitions .

  18. 只有这样,才能有效避免资产价格泡沫的产生和破灭,防范金融风险,确保宏观经济的稳定运行。

    This can effectively avoid the asset prices bubble , guard against financial risks and ensure the steady operation of macro economy .

  19. 在金融市场中进行资产配置关键是合理估算资产的相关风险和收益情形,根据投资者状况构建有效的资产配置模型。

    How to calculate the risk and revenue of the assets appropriately plays an important role in the process of resource allocation in the financial market .

  20. 同时,农民专业合作社又缺乏有效地资产进行抵押,所以,担保难是合作社融资难的一个非常重要的因素。

    At the same time , the farmers ' professional cooperatives lack effective mortgage assets . So the difficulty to guarantee becomes a very important factor .

  21. 而且,没有有效的资产控制,这些紧急设备有可能真的就不能用了,因为往往不能及时地对这些设备进行必需的预防性维护以及符合规定的校准。

    Also , without efficient asset controls , critical equipment could become unusable if needed preventative maintenance and regulation-directed calibrations are not performed in a timely manner .

  22. 总之,全国社保基金投资应始终坚持安全第一的投资原则,在保持一定比例银行存款和政府债券投资的基础上,努力拓宽投资渠道,通过有效的资产组合规避投资风险、提高投资收益。

    While maintaining a certain percentage of bank deposits and government bonds , it should broad the investment channels , avoid investment risk , and improve investment returns .

  23. 而建立有效的资产保全机制,包括风险防范机制、风险责任制度等,则是当前国有商业银行积极应对入世挑战的现实选择。

    And to establish effective asset safeguard mechanism including responsibility for risks is the practical option for state - owned commercial banks to meet the challenge of WTO entry .

  24. 盘活存量资产、科学投资理财、有效的资产管理和建立完善的财务监控体系是有效防范和化解财务风险的重要途径。

    Activating stock assets , investing and financing scientifically , financing and managing effectively , building up perfect financial monitoring system are important approaches to effectively guarding against and scattering the financial risk .

  25. 通过有效的资产管理,提升资产使用效率,降低生产成本,港口企业可以实现资产(设备)可靠运行和利润最大化两大相辅相成又有一定对立性的目标,提高企业的核心竞争力。

    With effective asset management , improving asset efficiency and cost down , port enterprises can achieve the reliability of asset operation and maximized profit which are both supportive and conflict with each other .

  26. 因此企业资产证券化不但增加了企业自由现金流,提高了资产流动性和资金使用效率,而且降低了存量资产的风险,是非常有效的资产负债管理方法,从而提高企业的价值。

    Therefore , asset securitization not only raises the free cash flow , increases the liquidity and the fund utilization efficiency , reduces the risk of stock assets , but also raises the value of enterprise .

  27. 资产重组是实现社会资源优化配置的重要手段,是企业资本经营的核心内容之一,合理有效的资产重组无疑会对企业的发展起到巨大的促进作用。

    Asset reorganization is an important means to achieve optimal allocation of social resources , and it is s one of the core of enterprise capital management . Reasonable and effective asset reorganization of enterprises will no doubt play a huge role in promoting development .

  28. 研究完善行政事业单位国有资产的预算管理,既有利于有效开展资产管理工作,也有利于深化公共财政预算管理体制改革,科学编制财政部门预算,具有理论指导意义。

    Research institutions improve administration of the budget of state-owned assets management , both in favor of effective asset management job , but also conducive to deepening the reform of public finance budget management , scientifically draw up budget for the financial sector , with the meaning of theoretical guidance .

  29. 这些存储库如何在SOA中用于有效的服务资产重用?

    How are these repositories used for effective service asset reuse in an SOA ?

  30. 因此,在上海A股市场,CAPM失去了有效性,资产定价可以由多因素模型决定。

    Therefore , the paper suggests that CAPM is ineffective and the asset pricing depends on multi-factor model in Shanghai A-share market .