
  1. 论文研究了英式电子拍卖协议,基于知识证明签名给出一个安全有效的电子拍卖协议。

    The paper studies the English auction secure protocol . An efficient and secure English auction protocol is proposed with signature based on proof of knowledge .

  2. 文章利用多项式的秘密共享和背包理论,给出了一种新的安全有效的电子拍卖方案。

    Because of the price bottle-neck , efficiency of the auctions is affected by the price bottle-neck very much , this paper presents a new secure efficient electronic auction using knapsack theory and secret sharing scheme .

  3. 一种基于背包理论的有效多轮电子拍卖协议

    An Efficient Multi-Round Electronic Auction Based on Knapsack Theory