
  1. 环绕太阳有圈淡淡的光晕。

    The sun had a faint halo round it

  2. 对有圈上圆圈C,名称和日期。

    The C in the circle and my company 's name and date .

  3. 圈C称为图G的支配圈,若对G中任一点v,至少有圈C上的一个顶点与之邻接。

    A cycle C of a graph G is called a dominating cycle if every vertex of G is adjacent to one vertex of C at least .

  4. 不锈钢云母加热器有圈型和板状等规格。

    Mica heater stainless steel plate with ring type and other specifications .

  5. 它那残忍的眼睛周围也有圈蓝色的火苗。

    There were rings of blue fire round its cruel eyes , too .

  6. 另外还给出判定是否有圈经过特定点或特定边的线性时间算法。

    Moreover we give algorithms for determining whether there is a circuit traversing a specific vertex or edge in linear time .

  7. 目的观察无圈包埋和有圈包埋对铸件边缘适合性的影响。

    Objective The purpose of this study was to observe the effect on marginal seating of the castings with and without ring investments .

  8. 老是那么几个人参加游戏,老是那么几张椅子,难得有圈外人参加。

    There were usually the same number of chairs and the same number of players , and outsiders rarely got into the game .

  9. 结论不同包埋材料对铸造收缩影响不同,无圈包埋时的铸造收缩小于有圈包埋。

    Conclusion The influence of different investment materials on the cast shrinkage is different . The cast shrinkage invested without ring is smaller than that with ring .

  10. 比蒂在被伊藤赶超之前,曾有几圈一直处于领先。

    Beattie led for several laps before he was overhauled by Itoh .

  11. 洗脸盆边上已经有一圈黑头发和肥皂沫。

    There was already a rim of dark hairs and soap round the basin .

  12. 监狱周围有一圈40英尺高的混凝土墙。

    A forty-foot-high concrete wall encircles the jail

  13. 草坪四周有一圈花绕着。

    This is a border of flowers round the lawn .

  14. 你用GooglePhotos移动应用程序就可以进一步从图片中复制文本,浏览照片时只需点击lens按钮(里面有个圈的方形按钮),然后轻按文本任意区域选中进行复制或搜索。

    With the Google Photos mobile app , you can go a step further and copy text from images . Just hit the lens button ( the square shape with the circle inside ) while viewing any photo , then tap on any section of text to highlight it for copying or searching .

  15. 峨眉宝光(布罗肯光BrockenSpectre)是一种可以在山里见到的罕见光学景象,人站在较高海拔地带可以看见自己的影子投入较低海拔的云层里。影子的头部常有一圈虹霓围绕。

    Brocken Spectre is a rare optic phenomenon that can be observed in mountains when an observer standing on higher altitude can see his own shadow cast onto a cloud at a lower altitude below him .

  16. 灯开关周围有一圈污垢。

    There was a rim of dirt round the lift button .

  17. 最近他常熬夜,眼睛周围有黑圈。

    He had shadows under the eyes for sitting up late recently .

  18. 比赛有两圈,全程87公里。

    With riders completing two laps covering a total of 87 kilometres .

  19. 关于有柄圈的优美标号

    On the Graceful Label of the Circle with a Handle

  20. 有向圈的矩阵算法及有关性质

    Matrix calculation of directed cycles and relative properties of digraph

  21. 有效场地之外有一圈宽30厘米的“外场”。

    Around the field is an " out-area " of30 cm width .

  22. 选择一款松快一点儿的帽子,或者帽檐内侧有一圈围带的帽子。

    Get yourself a loose-fitting hat , preferably one with elastic banding .

  23. 科鲁兹说你有三圈来赶上她

    Cruz says you 've got three laps to catch her

  24. 这个脸盆内有一圈污垢。

    There is a ring of scum in the washbasin .

  25. 我们进不去,因为周围有一圈篱笆。

    We couldn 't get in because there was a fence all round .

  26. 那幢古老的建筑物四周有一圈高墙。

    That old building is surrounded by a tall wall on all sides .

  27. 我们花园的四周有一圈草本植物的花坛。

    We have a herbaceous border round our Garden .

  28. 三维模制的丙烯酸树脂,白色磨光,发光有晕圈效果。

    3 dimensional moulded acrylic finished in white , illuminated with halo effect .

  29. 有加强圈外压薄壁圆筒的可靠性优化设计探讨

    Optimization of Reliable Design for Thin-Wall Cylinder under Outer Pressure with Reinforcing Circle Bar

  30. 在院子的四周围有一圈篱笆。

    There was a fence around the yard .