
  • Related parameters;【物】relevant parameter
  1. 本文发表继探测到恒星形成区的10个新H2O脉泽〔1〕后,再发现和证认的7个银河系星际H2O脉泽及其有关参量和谱线图。

    Following the ten new H2O masers detected in star-forming regions [ 1 ] published , seven more Galactic interstellar H2O masers with their related parameters and spectra are briefly given in this paper .

  2. 对于数字均衡算法,采用的是有关参量均衡器的设计方法。

    For digital equalization algorithm , using the parametric equalizer design method .

  3. 平面镜的视见反射率及有关参量

    The Luminous Reflectance of Mirror and Its Related Parameters

  4. 利用这些计算结果能够用来估算有关参量对容量调节的影响。

    These results can be used to estimate the effect of the parameters on variable displacement compressor kinematics .

  5. 结果表明,用此方法研究有关参量,其运算过程可大大简化。

    It is shown that the method greatly simplifies the computation of rotation inertia , polarizability , selection rule for symmetry system .

  6. 目的评价环甲膜通气条件下通气压力和频率对模拟肺的胸内压、气道压和肺内压等有关参量的影响,探讨环甲膜通气物理数据及其安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the jet ventilation by cricothyroid membrane in physical lung model and discuss the data of jet ventilation and its safety .

  7. 文中讨论了自容式光学参数测量的主要技术和有关参量的选定问题。

    In this paper major technical problems on the measurement of optical coefficients by self-contained instrument , and the selection of relevant parameters are discussed .

  8. 该算法的关键在于找出所有有效路径,文中给出了计算各有效路径和有关参量的递推公式。

    The key to this algorithm is to find out all the valid paths . Recursion formulae for computing these paths and the related parameters of convolutional codes are given .

  9. 文章介绍的岩石孔隙体积压缩系数测量仪的结构设计方案包括单通道加压型测量系统的构成与工作原理、各关键部件的作用、有关参量的界定及计算公式等;

    An structural design proposal of pore compressibility apparatus , on which pressure is exerted by configuration , the working principle and the function of parameters concerned and so on , are analysed .

  10. 利用解析方法及实验资料求解了特朗斯瓦尔轧机在轧尾时转动机架回转时间τ及其他的有关参量,所得结果与实际值接近。

    The rotating time of rotary stand of Transval mill when rolling a pipe end and other related parameters are evaluated by analysis and experiments and the results obtained are close to the practical values .

  11. 本文通过计算机模拟各种可能情况下的摆动过程,分析有关参量对运动的影响,找出了人体如何控制自己的动作,才能更好地完成这种运动的规律。

    With a computer simulating every kind of possible swing process on different conditions , this paper analysises all parameters affecting the motion , and finds the motion law which people can obey and swing better .

  12. 研究了19种林分林冠截留率,得出了相应林冠截留模型和有关参量以及这些林分的树干茎流模型;

    The rainfall interception by forest crowns in 19 forest stands was studied . The corresponding model of rainfall interception by forest crowns and related parameters , as well as each stem flow model of stands were also established .

  13. 93W合金有关力学参量的综合选评

    Comprehensive evaluations of mechanical parameters for 93W alloy

  14. 本文通过引入一个与波的入射角度有关的参量,给出一种单程波动方程的构造方法。

    We present a method for constructing one-way wave equation with the use of a parameter that is related to the angle of wave incidence .

  15. 本文就目前学者们所关注的电磁波与海浪随机粗糙表面的相互作用机理作某些探讨。主要分析了随机粗糙表面的统计特性,导出有关统计参量表式;

    The statistical characteristics of rough surfaces are analysed and the relation between the spectral density of the rough surfaces and statistical parameters is found out .

  16. 本文应用修正的双原子键三中心静电模型及其有关物理参量表达式,拟合了有效键电荷稠度与键的力常数和特征频率之间的关系;

    By means of the improved electrostatic three-center model of diatomic bonds and its expressions for physical quantities , the relations between effective bond charge density , bond-stretching force constant and characteristic frequency are fitted .

  17. 推导有关电路参量变化所引起频率变化的一般方程,晶体管的y参量和振荡器电路元件都是已知的情况下,此方程也适用于任何其它振荡器的工作频率。

    Deduce the general equation of frequency shift caused by the circuit parameter which also can be applicable to the oscillator circuit work at any other frequencies when the Y-parameters of transistor and the circuit element are all known .

  18. 这种方法不但充分考虑了可靠性指标的要求,而且还考虑了有关设计参量所具有的随机性和模糊性,从而使设计结果更加符合实际。

    This kind of method not only considered fully the requirements of reliability index but also taken the randomness and fuzziness possessed by relevant designing parameters into account , thus let the designed results be more tally with practice .

  19. 通过试验研究,发现安全阀排虽系数是一个与压力比有关的参量,随压力比的增大而减小,安全阀一般处于亚临界流动状态。

    Through experiment , it was observed that the dischage coefficient of safety valve is a parameter in relation to the pressure ratio , decreased with increase of pressure ration , it was also observed that the safety valve was always in the sub-critical flow state .

  20. 最后分析了与温度有关的非线性参量对损伤阈值的影响。

    The influence of temperature-related nonlinear parameter on damage threshold is analyzed .

  21. 本文引入两个与声衰减有关的介质参量,定义了声传播系数;

    Two new medium parameters related to acoustic attenuation are introduced and an acoustic propagation coefficient is defined .

  22. 给出了有关超精细参量随时间变化的规律,并对实验研究结果作出了分析与讨论。

    The relevant hyperfine parameters as a function of annealing time are shown and the result of experimental study is analyzed and discussed in detail .

  23. 在假定统计平衡的条件下提取了有关核温度参量,并研究了不同反应机制及靶核对提取的核温度的影响。

    Under the assumption of statistical equilibrium , the nuclear temperatures are extracted , and the influence of the reaction mechanism on the nuclear temperature are also investigated .

  24. 本文利用切削力与切削温度传感器融合的方法来实现对刀具实时状态的监测,以后刀面磨损作为监测对象,确定了与切削力信号和切削区域温度信号有关的各参量。

    Realize the in-process tool condition monitoring using sensor fusion of cutting force and cutting temperature . The factors which are concerned with cutting force and cutting temperature signals are confirmed .

  25. 岩体的分形维数是与岩石强度、构造历史和岩性学特征有关的一个参量。

    The shaping dimensionality is a parameter related to rock strength , structural history and characteristic of lithology .

  26. 电离层观测有着悠久的历史,其目的是为了获取有关电离层的物理参量及其动态变化。

    Ionospheric observation has a long history , its purpose is to obtain information about the physical parameters of ionosphere .

  27. 依据白光相移干涉中与干涉光强有关的一些特定参量与表面形貌之间的一一对应关系,提出了一种不直接测量相位、避开相位测量不确定性的新方法。

    It measures the surface profile not by measuring phase but by measuring the parameters , which is relative to the white light phase shifting interferometric intensity and monotonic function of the depth of the tested surface in the given measurement range .

  28. 对某天然气管道的有关材料性能和裂纹参量进行了试验测定和试验数据的数理统计处理,建立了管线有关参量的统计分布函数的概率模型。

    The probabilistic natures of pipe parameters of a pipeline were analysed by means of statistic treatment based on the experimental results of material behaviors and defects of pipeline .