
  1. 婚姻观只想简单的生活,简简单单有你有我

    I just wanna a simple life as well as our appreciating each other

  2. 由一定数量的个人控股的公司有你有我信息网,不能通过证券交易所交易。

    A company whose stock is held by a limited number of individuals and cannot be bought or sold through a stock exchange .

  3. 缘-字有你有我,爱-字有甜有苦,情-字有思有恋,想-字有牵有挂,你-永远是我好朋友!

    Rim-words are you have me , love-words are sweet have bitter , the feeling-words are thought to have love , word has led hangs-you-is always my good friends !

  4. 快乐的四月,有你,有我,有大家。

    Happy April , there you have me , have you .

  5. 有你、有我,成佛会变的更精彩!

    Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere .

  6. 相信有你、有我、有大家。

    I believe you , I have all .

  7. 从前只是个传说,传说里有你也有我,那时的我们很快乐。

    Formerly is a legend , legend has you have me , then we are happy .

  8. 在那梨花盛开的地方。总会有你。有我。有我门的天堂。

    In the place full of wonderful flowers , there will always be your , my and our heaven .

  9. 2009年的“寒冬”将会过去,因为事业成功的路途上,有你、有我!

    In2009 the " winter " will be the last , Because the cause of the success of the road , There you have my !

  10. 除了我有你、你有我,还有什么?

    What have we but each other ?

  11. 一开始有你的家人然后有我接着就是麦克斯

    First you had your family , then you had me ... then you had Max.

  12. 有你也有出色的我!

    Of you and marvelous me !

  13. 你我相逢在黑夜的海上,你有你的,我有我的,方向;

    We meet on the sea of dark night , You on your way , I on mine .

  14. 爸爸又心平气和地说:有一天你会有我从未有过的机会:你能为你的全家弹奏美妙的音乐。

    He added softly , Someday you 'll have the chance I never had : you 'll play beautiful music for your family .

  15. 莉莉:有,你有心事。我能觉察到。到底发生了什么事?说吧,告诉我。

    Lily : Yes , there is . I can tell . What 's the matter ? Come on , you can tell me .

  16. 我的耳边回响起父亲说过的话:有一天你会有我从未有过的机会,那时你会明白的。

    My father 's words came back to me : Someday you 'll have the chance I never had , Then you 'll understand .

  17. 这时,父亲的话又回到我的脑海:“总有一天你会有我从来没有的机会。那时你就会明白的。”我终于明白了为他人努力工作和做出牺牲的意义。

    My father 's words came back to me : " Someday you 'll have the chance I never had . Then you'II understand . " I finally knew what it meant to work hard and sacrifice for others .

  18. 我们心中如果含有开端,含有有无之念,那世间物就开始分门别类,有你有我、有彼有此。

    If our mind contains the beginning , and " something " and " nothing ", then the thing in the world is classified into something and nothing , you and me , her and his .

  19. 有国才有家,有家才有你,有你才有我,祝我亲爱的爸妈国庆快乐!身体健康!

    States have a home , you can have a home , you have me , I wish my dear parents happy National Day ! Health !