
  1. 为什么能观察到日环食,而不能观察到月环食?

    Why could we observe eclipse instead of annular eclipse of the moon ?

  2. 1987年9月25日日环食的6cm波长射电观测结果

    The Radio Observation Results of the Annular Solar Eclipse on September 23 , 1 987 at 6 cm Wavelength

  3. 1987年9月23日日环食所产生的大气内重力波

    On the atmospheric gravity waves during the 23rd September 1987 annular solar eclipse

  4. 1987年9月23日日环食6厘米波段射电观测局部源证认

    The identification of s-component sources in Radio Observation of the annular solar eclipse on 23 September 1987 at 6-cm wavelength

  5. 本文简要介绍了上海天文台与上海自然博物馆天文组用φ6米射电望远镜在6厘米波段观测1987年9月23日日环食所取得的资料处理过程,着重于局部源的证认。

    The 6-cm radio observation of the annular solar eclipse using a 6-m telescope were carried out by Shanghai Observatory and Shanghai Planetarium on 23 Sept. 1987 . The data processing and the identification of S-component sources were described .

  6. 1987年9月23日日环食时,中国科学院数理化学局组织了一次多波段的射电联合观测,取得了丰富的观测资料。

    A joint radio observation of the annular solar eclipse of 1987 September 23 at multiple wavelengths , organized by the Bureau of Mathematics , Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , was carried out in China and a wealth of data were obtained .