
  • 网络the last leaf;o.henry
  1. 一天她说:"当最后一片叶子掉下来的时候,我也会死的。"

    One day she said , " When the last leaf falls down , I will die , too . "

  2. 小说《最后一片叶子》的结构主义解读

    The Interpretation of The Last Leaf from the Structuralist Perspective

  3. 第二天早上,当那个女人从窗口望出去,看到最后一片叶子时,她心里充满了希望。

    The next morning , when the woman looked out of the window and saw the last leaf , she was filled with hope .

  4. 我只是继续让门前的那棵小树替我掉下最后一片叶子

    I just keep on asking the small tree in front of the door For me to shed the last leaf

  5. 我想看最后一片叶子掉下来。

    I want to see the last one fall .

  6. 我要在天黑前看到最后一片叶子掉落。

    I want to see the last one fall before it gets dark .

  7. 这是常青藤上的最后一片叶子。

    It was the last on the vine .

  8. 她在风中瑟瑟发抖,犹如枯树的最后一片叶子。

    She shivers in the wind like the last leaf on a dying tree .

  9. 最后一片叶子始终没有落下来。

    Finally , never a leaf to fall .

  10. 有一种力量让那最后一片叶子不掉,好让我看到自己有多坏。

    Something has made that last leaf stay there to show me how wicked I was .

  11. 从《最后一片叶子》看欧·亨利的写作风格

    On O · Henry 's Writing Style from the Analysis of the Rhetorical Activities in The Last Leaf

  12. 啊,亲爱的,那是贝尔曼的杰作――最后一片叶子掉落的那天夜里他画上了这片叶子。

    Ah , darling , it 's Behrman 's masterpiece & he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell .

  13. 让秋末的最后一片叶子,带走我的泪珠,在我们之间,划出,完美的,终点。

    The last one to the end of autumn leaves , take away my tears , in between us , draw up , perfect , finish .

  14. 亨利在他的小说《最后一片叶子》里讲了个故事:病房里,一个生命垂危的病人从房间里看见窗外的一棵树,在秋风中一片片地掉落下来。

    Henry , we know : In the ward , one day a dying patient suddenly notices a tree through the window , leaves with pieces falling down in the soughing autumn wind .

  15. 那是最后的一片叶子。

    " It is the last one ," said Johnsy .

  16. 它是长春藤上最后的一片叶子了。

    It was the last one on the vine .

  17. 有个乞丐闲坐着,眼睛盯着树上的最后的一片叶子。

    A beggar sits around staring at the last leaf on the tree .

  18. 解析欧·亨利的短篇小说《最后的一片叶子》中的仁爱儒学

    Analysis on the Confucian Benevolence in O Henry 's Short Novel The Last Leaf