
  1. 历史上,英国曾礼遇过犹太人,但也推行过不利于犹太人的政策。

    Historically , England once kindly treated the Jews , but England also expelled them .

  2. 曾子的礼学思想,在中国古代礼学思想中有独特重要的地位。

    Zeng Zi 's thought of rites plays a specially important role in ancient Chinese thoughts of rites .

  3. 五分之一的受访者曾在行吻面礼时与对方尴尬“撞面”;十分之一的受访者由于慌乱失措,最后还是以握手了事。

    One fifth had an embarrassing clash of faces as they tried to kiss , and one in 10 became so flustered they resorted to waving instead .