
  • 网络manhattan tower;manhattan company building
  1. IsraelSotheby'sInternationalRealty的首席执行长弗里德曼(TomerFridman)称,特拉维夫的曼哈顿大厦(ManhattanTower)吸引着全球各地的买家。

    In Tel Aviv , the Manhattan Tower attracts cosmopolitan buyers , says Tomer Fridman , CEO of Israel Sotheby 's International Realty . '

  2. 注:文本转自UNSV美国最著名的纽约曼哈顿大厦中有了一个新的地标建筑,即Gehry的“纽约”。

    American 's most famous skyline has a new architecture icon , New York by Gehry .

  3. 主要通过这些壮观的写字楼,像是在曼哈顿的利华大厦,

    largely through some really spectacular office buildings like Lever House in midtown Manhattan ,