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  • 网络Cao Yang;CZY
  1. 在最后对导师曹阳教授的临床治疗经验进行总结。

    It also summarizes the clinical experiences of Professor Cao Yang in the ovarian cancer treatment .

  2. 曹阳:呵呵,这个当然不是了,所谓风格只是外面的皮而已。

    Cao Yang : Oh , this is not the so-called style of our music , it 's just what it may seem on the outside .

  3. 同时总结了导师曹阳教授在临床上的治疗经验,更好的验证了古代医家对乳腺癌病因病机及治疗方法的认识。

    It also summarizes the clinical experiences of Professor Cao Yang in the breast cancer treatment , better verifies the understanding of ancient physicians on breast cancer etiology pathogenesis and treatment methods .

  4. 曹阳将现场实况同步发到了微博上,负责摄像拍照的也安静地工作,第二次陈进行为艺术食坊顺利完成了。

    Cao Yang has simultaneously tweeted the live scene on Weibo , those in charge of documenting work silently , and and the second Chen Jin 's Performance Art Food-Workshop has successfully accomplished .