
qǔ zhǒng
  • sort of quyi
曲种[qǔ zhǒng]
  1. 其中添加5%酵母菌曲种发酵脱毒蓖麻饼3d后,蓖麻碱去除率为93.05%,变应原未检出(≤0.01%);

    Among the treatment of yeast detoxified CBM , the addition of 5 % wheat bran which was incubated by yeast to CBM after fermenting 3 days , the detoxification rate of ricinine was 93.05 % , the allergen content of CBM was no more than 0.01 % .

  2. 曲种纤维素酶活力与酱油成分相关性的研究

    Correlation between cellulase activity of Aspergillus oryzae and composition of soy sauce

  3. 根据曲种划分,这个酒属于黄酒。

    By classification , this wine is a kind of yellow wine .

  4. 液体曲种制取酱油通风曲的试验

    Experiment on producing yeast for preparing soy sauce fermentation from liquid yeast inoculating

  5. 这八个音乐曲种都是历史留给山西珍贵的非物质文化遗产。

    These music varieties are a kind of rare intangible cultural heritage left by the history .

  6. 目的研究稠酒发酵过程中酒精度变化与稠酒曲种的关系。

    Analysis of near infrared spectroscopy of beer alcohol content by correlation coefficients and genetic algorithms ;

  7. 当地方言的语言节奏、音调是影响该曲种唱腔音调的重要因素。

    The main factors that influence this vocal music are the rhythm , tone of the local dialect .

  8. 按照文化事象的自身规律实施非物质文化遗产的保护&以曲艺曲种的保护为例

    Protect the Immaterial Heritage according to the Law of the Cultural Construction & Take the Protection of Quyi for Example

  9. 为保护这一面临灭绝的曲种,太原莲花乐已于2006年列入山西省非物质文化遗产名录。

    To protect this species facing extinction curve , Taiyuan Lotus music was included in 2006 in Shanxi Province Intangible Cultural Heritage .

  10. 声音大歌是侗族大歌中最富有音乐性和艺术研究价值的代表曲种。

    Sound chorus which bears the richest musical charaters and most artistic values , is a representative genre of Dong minority chorus .

  11. 实验考察了混菌发酵时酵母接种时间和培养时间对发酵产物中蛋白含量的影响。液体曲种制取酱油通风曲的试验

    The effects of inoculating time and growing time of yeast on protein increasing were studied . Experiment on producing yeast for preparing soy sauce fermentation from liquid yeast inoculating

  12. 但是,像许多中国传统音乐文化一样,东北大鼓的现状却令人极为担忧,其表演几近销声匿迹,抢救、保护与传承这个已有二百多年历史的优秀曲种是摆在我们面前的迫切任务。

    But like many other Chinese traditional musical form , the present situation of Northeastern Da Gu is extremely concerned since its performance has almost disappeared . Therefore , saving , protecting and sustaining this over-200-year-old excellent music form are our urgent task .