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  1. 保罗麦·卡特尼(是的,还有Wings乐队)凭着邦德电影《生死关头》的主题曲闯出了一片新天地。007系列电影做出了一些更换,灵魂人物邦德改由罗杰·摩尔出演,因此影片选取了20世纪70年代的音乐声作为主题曲。

    Paul McCartney ( yes , yes , and also Wings ) ushered in a new era of James Bond movies with the theme to Live and Let Die , sending the series careening into a 1970s musical sound as the franchise rebranded itself with a new leading man , Roger Moore .

  2. 主要种群的昼夜活动规律显著,午后从曲库飞出在库外群集飞翔,14~18hr达到高峰。

    The pests flew out of storage and gather flying in the afternoon and reached maximum at 14-18 o # sclock , indicating a significant action regularity at day and night .

  3. 颈内动脉后曲顶高出眼神经和展神经上缘分别为(552±184)mm和(660±194)mm。

    The roof of posterior curve of ICA was ( 5 52 ± 1 84 ) mm and ( 6 60 ± 1 94 ) mm higher than ophthalmic nerve and abducent nerve respectively .

  4. 幻想曲作者想象出的形式自由的乐曲。

    A free composition structured according to the composer 's fancy .

  5. 由管弦乐改写的钢琴曲风琴奏出庄严的乐曲。

    Arrangement of orchestral music for the piano The organ rolled out a stately melody .

  6. 他的圆舞曲不像源出波兰民族音乐形式的波罗涅兹舞曲和马祖卡舞曲一样占有重要地位;不如叙事曲、练习曲等体裁的作品那样具有深刻的思想内容和精湛华丽的技巧。

    His waltz is not so important as Polonaise and Mazurka originating from Poland ethnic music forms .

  7. 志同道合,慎重,真诚是交友的永不休止的三个音符,奏出奇妙的幻想曲,演义出人生的真谛,升华文明的精髓。

    Like-minded , careful and sincere is the friends of the never-ending three notes , play the wonderful Fantasy , Romance out the true meaning of life , sublimated essence of civilization .

  8. 利用平板透明圈法作为初筛方法,从不同的酿造曲样中筛选出1株产纤溶酶酶活较高的米曲霉菌株SA-6,其产纤溶酶酶活为25U/mL。

    A Aspergillus oryzae strain , SA-6 , was isolated from different brewing koji samples using the clarity circle method on plate . The fibrinolytic enzymatic activity of SA-6 was 25 U / ml.

  9. 在《暗影行动》中,主题曲由小提琴独奏出。

    A solo violin carried the theme in " The Fixer ";

  10. 消旋卡多曲口服散剂溶出度方法的建立

    Establishment of Method for Dissolution Test of Racecadotril Powder

  11. 正是它通过我诗人的心灵,融化成曲,喷薄而出。

    And this it is that ever melts and Flows in songs through my poet 's heart .

  12. 应用红曲霉帘曲,可提高出酒率1%~2%,提高优质品率10%。

    The application of screen starter could effectively increase liquor yield by 1 % ~ 2 % and quality product rate by 10 % .

  13. 随着器乐创作的发展,它们之间的关系分别通过取代、分化、派生而得以重新划分,奏鸣曲与交响曲、协奏曲分别呈现出新的含义并获得了各自不同的发展方向。

    Yet along with the development of instrumental music , the relationship between those music genres was re-defined through substitution , differentiation , and derivation . As a result , sonata , symphony and concerto had acquired new connotations and hence developed toward different directions .

  14. 探讨莫扎特钢琴协奏曲的表现手法与美学理念.认为莫扎特的钢琴协奏曲创作显示出的一个最基本的原则,就是对传统模式的抛弃,突出了钢琴与协奏乐队之间平等的对话原则。

    The principle of the creation of Mozart 's piano concerto is the negation of the traditional form , especially outstands the equal role between piano and the accompany band .