
  1. 最新研究表明,女性求职者如果在简历中附上一张穿着暴露服装的照片,获得面试的几率会高出五倍。

    New research suggests that female applicants who included a photo of themselves in revealing clothing were five times more likely to secure an interview .

  2. 美国小姐大赛组织宣传自己的使命是赋权女性和发放数百万美元的奖学金,在长达几十年的时间里,它难以调和这一使命和要求参赛者穿暴露服装的做法。

    Over the decades , the Miss America Organization struggled to reconcile its stated mission - empowering women and handing out millions of dollars in scholarships - with requiring contestants to wear revealing attire .

  3. 那名女歌手依旧穿着非常暴露的服装,完全不似她这把岁数。

    The singer continues to defy her age by wearing the scantiest of outfits .

  4. 一项研究发现,至少三分之一的男性希望女性不要在工作时穿暴露的服装,最不能接受的是超短紧身裤。

    A study found that at least a third of men want women stopped from wearing revealing outfits at work , with skimpy shorts the first to go .