
àn xiàn
  • Dark line;concealed wiring;buried wiring;dark lane;inference;planted agent;concave wiring
暗线 [àn xiàn]
  • (1) [inference]∶文学作品中暗伏的线索,与直接表现出的明线相对

  • (2) [planted agent]∶安置在敌方营垒中了解敌情的内应,也称内线

暗线[àn xiàn]
  1. 因此,在他的作品中始终贯穿一条暗线,就是宗教精神。

    Therefore , passes through a concealed wiring throughout in his work , is the religious spirit .

  2. 这场暗线交易被曝光了。

    The secret dealing is now laid bare .

  3. 六辊UC轧机混沌动力学模型的暗线方程与MSS序列分析

    Analysis of Dark-lines Equation and MSS Sequences for Six-Rolls-UC Chaotic Dynamics Model

  4. 数据处理中实现了MATLAB与VC++程序间的通信,采用质心法分离测量光斑以及参考光斑,并利用MATLAB中神经网络算法求取位相板衍射图像中暗线位置,达到了设计要求的精度。

    Communication between the Matlab and VC + + is established . The measuring pattern and reference pattern are separated by the law of centroidal method . Higher precision of the light spot determination is obtained using Neural Networks Algorithms .

  5. 如今多暗线监视一个人的边际成本基本为零,Soghoian博士这样说道,现代监管的经济方式对消费者并不有利。

    The marginal cost of spying on one more person is essentially zero now , he says . The economics of modern surveillance are not beneficial to the consumer .

  6. 浅析服装设计思维的明线与暗线

    Analysis on the Bright Line and Dark Line of Fashion Design Thinking

  7. 利用夫琅和费暗线探测自然光条件下的植被光合作用荧光研究

    Detecting Photosynthesis Fluorescence under Natural Sunlight Based on Fraunhofer Line

  8. 基于夫琅和费暗线原理的太阳诱导叶绿素荧光仪

    Development of a Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Monitor Based on Fraunhofer Line Principle

  9. 在哈勃只有图片(无图这里),尘土飞扬的区域显示为暗线。

    In the Hubble-only image ( not pictured here ), the dusty regions appear as dark lanes .

  10. 我希望你们会注意到,这些光谱被暗线所分割开来,这些暗线即被称之为光谱线。

    I want you to notice that this spectrum is interrupted by dark lines called spectral lines .

  11. 我想让你们注意到的是这一光谱是被叫做光谱线的暗线所打断。

    I want you to know this that this spectrum is interrupted by dark lines called spectral lines .

  12. 《包法利夫人》情节的分析表明:该部作品不但存在一条明线,同时还有两条暗线。

    Based on the analysis of Madame Bovary , there are two shade lines as well as one light line .

  13. 对于“暗线联络”管理和预算办公室向各机关传递外部利害关系当事人的看法的控制也得到了加强。

    Controls on " conduit communications " in which OMB passes along to an agency the views of interested outside parties were also tightened .

  14. 并有效呼应前文诸章大陆时期地政活动的探索,以期全文沿革暗线索的完整性。

    And effectively corresponds to the Lands of activities in the period of mainland , Want to improve the integrity of the dark clue " Evolution " in full text .

  15. 由丁午田庄工业设计博士,凉爽的600系列内阁暗线设计大师为当代家具和室内设计设置理想的合作伙伴。

    Designed by a master of industrial design Dr Kenneth Grange , the cool , dark lines of the600 series cabinet are perfect partner for contemporary furniture and interior design settings .

  16. 与此同时,艺术能力还是艺术知识技能和人文素养相互渗透与补充的产物,这便构成了渗透整篇论文始终的一条暗线。

    At the same time , art ability is the outcome of interaction between artistic knowledge , artistic skills and humanity attainment , thus composing a backside clew of the study .

  17. 当一种波长的亮线与另一种波长的暗线对应交叠时,极细小的线条就产生了。

    When the bright lines at one wavelength coincide with the dark lines at the other wavelength , extremely narrow lines of clear material are formed interspersed with the opaque material .

  18. 多种形式的节理网在花岗石抛光面上形成低反射率的暗线、暗斑、暗区,降低花岗石的平均光泽度,影响光泽度的均一性和石加工品的质量。

    The joints compose multiple patterns , and hence from numerous dark lines and spots on the polished surfaces of the rock , which reduce the average polishing glossiness and uniformity .

  19. 本文欲通过分析暗线的艺术效果以及暗线存在的原因和功能揭示其存在的必然性,揭示其独特的艺术内涵。

    By analyzing the artistic effect of the shade lines and the reason and function of its existence , this paper manages to reveal the necessity of its existence and its unique artistic connotation .

  20. InGaAsP/GaAs激光器能抑制暗线缺陷的形成,器件的突然失效及缓慢退化有所减少。

    Study on comparison between AlGaAs / GaAs and InGaAsP / GaAs high power laser diodes indicates that Al-free lasers are more reliable due to a reduction of dark line defects , sudden failure and gradual degradation .

  21. 在此过程中,有明暗两条主线,明线是现代性语境下理性的迷失与回归,暗线是合法性危机更替的出现及化解。

    In the process , there are light and shade two main lines . The light clue is the rational lost and return under the modern context and the shade clue is the alternate appearance and solution of legitimacy crisis .

  22. 以美国经济发展为背景,以美国专利间接侵权理论历史追溯为明线,以英美法系传统的控诉与抗辩庭审模式为暗线,分析间接侵权的判定要件。

    Based on the American economic development and taking the theoretical history of indirect patent infringement as direct clues and the traditional charging and defense at court in the UK and the USA as inference , this paper analyzes the important determinant conditions .

  23. 脱离了地球大气层的混淆效应,望远镜将能够分离外星生物的图像,在他们的大气中制作出来光谱,并且为这些有特点的暗线检查光谱。这些暗线部分是由特殊气体——大气中的氧气——所吸收的光产生的。

    Free of the confounding effects of the Earth 's own atmosphere , it will be able to isolate images of alien planets , make spectra of the light from their air , and examine those spectra for the characteristic dark lines that are caused by part of the light being absorbed by particular gases-oxygen among them .