
zàn shí zhōnɡ duàn
  • temporary interruption
  1. 他因病不得不暂时中断实验。

    He was compelled by illness to suspend his experiment .

  2. 当ISIS协议重启时会引起网络暂时中断,这是因为该路由器与其它邻居的邻接关系被拆除,该路由器的LSP报文被删除,使得路由计算不准确,造成报文丢失。

    The restart of ISIS protocol will cause network interruption , incorrect routing calculations and packets loss . It is because the adjacent relationship were removed between routers , and the LSP message is deleted .

  3. 虽然本文暂时中断了关于JaxMe的讨论,但我还是希望本文的内容能够为您带来帮助。

    While this has been a departure from my recent discussion on JaxMe , I hope you find this article helpful nonetheless .

  4. 周年纪念使得总统竞选暂时中断。

    The anniversary prompted a break in the presidential campaign .

  5. 智利人接受紧急治疗!比赛暂时中断。

    Play is interrupted as the Chilean midfielder receives treatment .

  6. 九月份,由于领土争端,中国暂时中断了对美国的稀土矿供应。

    China rare earth metals meant for Japan after a territorial dispute in September .

  7. 移动电话网络暂时中断。

    The mobile phone network temporarily crashed .

  8. 您可以暂时中断应用程序并且可以在变量更改值时收到警报。

    You can temporarily interrupt the application and be alerted when a variable changes value .

  9. 我们暂时中断了一两次,但整个进展还是很稳定的。

    We 're hod one or two slight hiccups , but progress has generally been quite steady .

  10. 由于战争,游客暂时中断了访问,之后他们又恢复了对该国首都的访问。

    Tourists are once again visiting the country 's capital after a brief hiatus caused by the war .

  11. 如果利比亚政局继续动荡,有可能像国际能源署所预测的那样,其原油出口会暂时中断。

    If unrest continues in Libya , the country would stop oil export like International Energy Agency estimated .

  12. 大本钟报时提前,导致英国广播公司4电台的节目暂时中断,该节目依靠大本钟报时进行实时播报。

    The early chimes caused interruptions to BBC radio 4 programming which rely on the bongs for live broadcasts .

  13. 据有些居民说,一段时间内,通讯暂时中断,无法接打电话。

    According to some residents , communications were temporarily interrupted and they were unable to make phone calls for a time .

  14. 由于工作量限制或其他原因,服务提供方有时可能暂时中断受理申诉。

    Due to capacity constraints or for other reasons , a provider 's ability to accept complaints may be suspended at times .

  15. (但)食品通胀很可能居高不下,因为近期中国南方的洪水可能导致食品供应暂时中断。

    [ But ] food inflation is likely to remain high since the recent floods in southern China could cause temporary disruption to food supply .

  16. 强风和巨浪使空中救援行动暂时中断,但海军战舰继续连夜搜索。

    Strong winds and high waves led to the suspension of the air rescue operation , but naval warships continued to work through the night .

  17. 他心里想,在六十秒钟之内,奥勃良就已回去做他为党做的、暂时中断的重要工作。

    Within thirty seconds , it occurred to him , O'Brien would be back at his interrupted and important work on behalf of the Party .

  18. 不要担心几天不更新帖子,暂时中断几天要比不断地发布枯燥无味的我多么伟大的帖子好得多。

    Dont worry about not posting for a couple of days , better a short break than a ceaseless stream of ho-hum Im so great posts .

  19. 当时许多人希望,风险重估只会暂时中断美国及全球经济增长。

    Many then hoped that the repricing of risk would be no more than a brief interruption in the progress of the US and world economies .

  20. 中国股市下挫近5%,牛市行情暂时中断。自2006年初以来,中国股市已上涨近4倍。

    Chinese shares slid almost 5 per cent , disrupting a bull run that has seen the benchmark index rise fivefold since the start of 2006 .

  21. 自给率稳步下降(因一、二战期间的封锁曾暂时中断),至1939年时,仅为不足40%。

    Self-sufficiency declined steadily – interrupted briefly by the blockades of the first and second world wars – and was less than 40 per cent by 1939 .

  22. 运作方面也出现了暂时中断,因此银行未能最大限度地利用今年第一季度的交易活跃期。

    There have also been operational hiccups and the bank failed to make the most of the boom in trading activity in the first quarter of this year .

  23. 当终端设备从当前的接入点覆盖小区移动到另一个接入点小区时,由于通信的暂时中断会对系统的性能造成一定的影响。

    When a terminal moves from the coverage of current wireless access point to another , the temporary breakage of communication had effect on the performance of the system .

  24. 周三,台风海葵登陆中国的商业中心上海,给该市带来了大风暴雨,造成至少两人死亡,商业活动暂时中断。

    At least two people died Wednesday in a typhoon that quieted business activity in the Chinese commercial center of Shanghai as it dumped heavy amounts of rain in high winds .

  25. 卫星服务改善:当一颗通信卫星经过太阳前方时,太阳会淹没卫星发出的无线电信号,导致服务暂时中断。

    Improved satellite service : When a communications satellite passes in front of the Sun , the Sun can drown out the satellite 's radio signal , causing an interruption in service .

  26. 失业保险制度是国家通过立法强制实行的,由社会集中建立基金,对因失业而暂时中断生活来源的劳动者提供物质帮助的制度。

    The country implements unemployed insurance system compulsively through legislation , by the society concentration establishs fund , provide the system that material helps to the because of unemployment worker that suspends source of income temporarily .

  27. 由于那些在二十多岁就结婚的受过大学教育的女性通常生第一个小孩的时间也更早,迫使她们暂时中断事业发展,导致她们要等更长时间才能获得晋升。

    Since college-educated women who marry in their twenties also tend to have their first baby earlier , forcing them to take a break from their careers , they can take longer to climb the corporate ladder .

  28. 失业保险是社会保险中的一项重要制度,它是指对非因本人意愿失业而暂时中断生活来源的劳动者提供物质帮助的制度。

    Unemployed insurance is one of the important social insurance system , which is not because I intend to , referring to provide the system that material helps for unemployed worker that suspends source of income temporarily .

  29. 出于某种考虑又自动返回的,以及出于某种考虑而暂时中断的,均符合脱逃中止的法律待征,应以脱逃罪论处。

    Automatic return for a consideration , then , as well as for some considerations for the time being interrupted , are consistent with the law to be imposed to escape suspension , escape the crime should be punished .

  30. 生育保险是通过国家立法规定,在劳动者因生育子女而导致劳动力暂时中断时,由国家和社会及时给予物质帮助的一项社会保险制度。

    Birth insurance is to pass national legislation to set , when laborer brings about labour force because of bearing children to be interrupted temporarily , the system of insurance of a society that offers material in time the help by country and society .