
  • 网络smart meter;energy metering;E-meter
  1. 在本文中,作者介绍了虚拟服务如何帮助开发团队和QA团队应对今天的智能电表和智能电网体系。

    In this article the authors demonstrate how service virtualization can help development and QA teams to meet the challenges of today 's smart meter and smart grid implementations .

  2. 智能电表/智能电网现代化的挑战

    Challenges of smart meter / smart grid modernization

  3. 基于GPRS的智能电表的设计

    The Intellectual Meter Design Based On Gprs

  4. 介绍了GPS的组成及基本原理以及它在智能电表中的应用。

    An attempt is made to introduce the composition and basic theory of GPS and its application in the intelligent energy meters .

  5. 基于RS-485的智能电表通信模块设计与实现

    Design and implementation of intelligent ammeter communication module based on RS-485

  6. 设计了基于ARM的智能电表和空调系统参数的多数据监测系统。

    The design of multi-data monitoring system based on the ARM , including parameter of electric instrument and the air condition system were mainly introduced .

  7. 通过对不同小波函数的对比,根据负载识别的具体特点,选取Dmeyer小波函数,并确定了识别的具体特征值。2、建立了基于DSP的智能电表硬件架构。

    Through the comparison of different wavelet functions , identify the specific characteristics of the load , select the Meyer wavelet function , and to determine the value of the specific characteristics of recognition . 2 、 Established a DSP-based architecture of smart meters .

  8. 文中提出基于GPRS网络的智能电表远程无线监视装置的方案,从硬件和软件两方面介绍该系统,并制作实验样机进行研究。

    In this paper , a scheme of remote wireless monitor unit of intelligent meter based on GPRS network is proposed , and has introduced its design in hardware and software , the pilot application has been proved successful .

  9. 针对目前国内传统抄表方式效率低,耗费人力、物力大的实际情况,提出一种基于GPRS的智能电表无线通信模块的设计,实现高效实时的远程抄表。

    In order to improve the actual circumstance of traditional meter reading technology , this paper put forward a design of an electronic meter communication module based on GPRS , and realizes more effective , real time remote meter reading .

  10. 由公用事业公司安装的智能电表就是一个例子。

    Smart meters being installed by utility companies are one example .

  11. 现代化智能电表和智能电网的挑战。

    The challenges of modernizing smart meters and smart grids .

  12. 智能电表构成了“网状网络”,以此转发读数。

    Smart power meters form " mesh networks " to relay their readings .

  13. 集中式智能电表的抗干扰设计

    The Anti-jamming Design of the Centralized Intelligent Electric Meter

  14. 智能电表远程无线监视

    A Study on the GPRS Based Remote Wireless Monitor Unit for Intelligent Meter

  15. 智能电表用低成本、高可靠电源监控电路

    A Low Cost and High Reliability Power Supervisory Circuit

  16. 基于电力机车智能电表的能耗信息管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Energy Management Information System for Intelligent Ammeter of Electric Locomotive

  17. PG&E公司是在安装过程中的智能电表数百万。

    PG & E is in the process of installing millions of smart meters .

  18. 越来越多的消费者开始使用智能电表,并增加了对智能电表的信任。

    There were significantly stronger favorable opinions for those most familiar with smart meters .

  19. 智能电表上下位机间数据通信的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Data Communication Between Top Down Devices on Intelligent Ammeter

  20. 机车智能电表在电力机车上的装车应用

    Locomotive Intelligent Electric-meters Application at Electric Locomotive

  21. 并介绍了该智能电表中的硬件和软件部分设计,以及智能电表的应用。

    The hardware , partial design of software and applications of the intelligent meter are introduced .

  22. 上海金陵智能电表有限公司以前称为上海电度表厂。

    Shanghai Jinling intelligent electric meter co. , Ltd was formerly called Shanghai electricity meter works .

  23. 多用户智能电表因要计量、存储用户用电量,其数据存储安全性非常重要。

    It is very important to keep data safety in the memory of a multichannel KWH meter .

  24. 这类似于我们在电力行业中看到的智能电表的情况。

    This is similar to that we see in the power industry in the case of smart meters .

  25. 卷须的产品与双向智能电表,并在家庭网络中收集数据的设备和运行报告。

    Tendril 's products work with two-way smart meters and a home network to gather data on appliances and run reports .

  26. 关于智能电表网路的成本回收,有数个代替方案。

    Ovum believes there is potential for some alternative thinking when it comes to recovering the costs of smart meter networks .

  27. 新型复费率智能电表的抗干扰设计和可靠性分析微机控制预付费智能电表系统的研制

    The reliability analyses and interference resistence design of a single chip computer control system intelligent time division fee counting system of electric meter

  28. 如果客户采取智能电表作为保护工具,整体受益将显著增加。

    If customers take advantage of the conservation tools to be implemented by the Smart Metering Program , the overall benefits increase significantly .

  29. 它还可以与智能电表合作,鼓励人们调低暖气温度,节省取暖费用。

    It could also be used to save heating bills , by working with smart metres and encouraging people to turn their thermostats down .

  30. 要使智能电表和智能电网计划得以实施,电力行业提供商必须处理难以计数的大量软件相互连接和遗留实现。

    To make smart meter and smart grid initiatives work , utility providers must deal with an incredible amount of software interconnectedness and legacy enablement .