
  • 网络intelligent packaging;Smart Packaging
  1. 智能包装技术特点研究

    Study of the Characteristics of Intelligent Packaging Technology

  2. 智能包装可以更好的对食品起到保鲜作用,已成为包装界关注的焦点。

    The mechanism of food preservation and the characteristics of intelligent packaging technology were analyzed .

  3. 弹簧垫圈智能包装控制系统

    The Intelligent Controller of Spring-washer Packing System

  4. 智能包装体系是控制食品质量,提供食品品质信息的体系。

    Intelligent package systems can monitor and provide information about the quality of packed food .

  5. 本文介绍了弹簧垫圈智能包装控制系统,给出了系统的硬件结构,提出了对两个关键技术问题的解决方法。

    In this paper , the intelligent controller of spring-washer packing system is introduced . The hardware architecture and the method of solving two key-technologies are given .

  6. 主要介绍了三类交互式包装技术:感觉包装、功能包装和智能包装,并着重从材料、结构和机械三方面对智能包装进行分析研究。

    Three main types of Interactive Packaging were introduced , including Sense Packaging , Function Packaging and Intelligent Packaging , especially the intelligent materials , structures and machines .

  7. 基于数据库与模型库的智能缓冲包装CAD系统

    Intelligent CAD System of Cushioning Package Based on the Database and Model

  8. 介绍了智能缓冲包装CAD软件系统的总体结构、体系构成以及开发与实现。

    This paper introduces the structure , composing and realization of intelligent CAD system of cushioning package .

  9. 智能型包装的发展趋势与建议。

    Suggestions for the innovation of intelligent packaging technology .

  10. 基于计算智能的包装件非线性特性识别研究进展

    Research Advances in Identification of Nonlinear Characteristics of Packaging Based on Computational Intelligence

  11. 智能化包装技术及其发展

    Intelligent packaging technology and developing trends

  12. 比如,在制药领域,智能化包装能够告诉患者何时吃药。

    In pharmaceuticals , smart packaging could tell a patient when to take their medication , for example .

  13. 英国斯特莱斯克莱德大学的科学家们日前发明出了一种智能食品包装袋,人们可以通过观察该包装袋来判断其内食品是否变质。

    Scientists from Strathclyde University , UK , have created an intelligent food wrapping that can tell people if the contents are going bad .

  14. 在满足包装基本功能的前提下,充分体现个性化消费需求、彰显人文关怀和拓展产品功能的智能化包装逐步兴起。

    When the basic functions of the package are satisfied , an intelligent package springs up increasingly , which fully indicates personalized consumption demand and expresses humanistic care and develops the products ' functions .

  15. 叙述了反馈控制、自适应、鲁棒自适应,直到智能控制在包装工业中的进展,并阐述了智能控制在现代包装工业的发展中的应用前景。

    The feed back control , adaptive control , robot control and the intelligent control were described The development of intelligent control and its . application in modern packaging industry were prospected .

  16. 这是我第一次打开黑莓最新智能手机Passport的包装盒时的自言自语。

    That 's the phrase I uttered to myself when I first unboxed BlackBerry 's latest smartphone , the Passport .

  17. 智能控制在现代包装工业中的发展和应用

    Intelligent Control and Its Development and Application in Modern Packaging Industries

  18. 通过智能化技术在包装中的实现,以达到对果蔬产品在销售和售后过程中的全息化管理。

    According to the implementation of intelligent packaging , we achieve holographic management in the sales and after-sales processes .

  19. 全自动包装计量装置是替代传统量具,以单片机为核心的智能控制器同新型包装机械相结合构成,可自动完成称重、夹袋、卸包和包装的机电一体化的全自动包装计量设备。

    Full automatic metric equipment can replace the traditional metric tool , Based on the combination of MCU kernel intelligent controller and new type packaging mechanism . The packaging metric equipment can accomplish weighing , bag nipping , unloading and packaging automatically .

  20. 第一章从钢管产品包装的重要性和钢管包装系统研制的必要性出发,介绍了国内外钢管捆智能成形打捆包装系统的现状,阐述了该系统所涉及的关键技术和研究状况及其发展趋势。

    The main research work is shown below : In the first chapter , owing to the necessity of products packing and the development of steel pipe packing system , worldwide investigating development of steel pipe bundle intelligent stacking and strapping system was introduced .

  21. 该系统讨论了针对运输包装智能CAD系统的框架,它主要由智能包装设计和典型包装方案智能检索组成。

    The system introduces the frame of The Transport Package Intelligence CAD System ( TPICADS ) and mostly consists of Intelligence Packing Design Scheme ( IPDS ) Module and Intelligence Index & Evaluation of Classic Packing Scheme ( CPSIE ) Module .