
  • 网络smart city;Intelligent City;Smarter Cities;Smartcity
  1. 事实上,所有这些都可以看作是智慧城市的基本组成部分。

    In fact , all these can be seen as the basic parts of a smart city .

  2. 八月,克拉玛依与ibm携手发布“智慧城市”计划。

    In August , Karamay launched a joint program with IBM to become a " smart city " .

  3. 一家研究公司的负责人丹•希尔表示,推进智慧城市是一条出路,这也将反过来进一步推进绿色城市。

    Making cities smarter is one way out , and I think this will in turn make cities greener , said Dan Hill , head of a research company .

  4. 疫情激发了5G、人工智能、智慧城市等新技术、新业态、新平台蓬勃兴起,网上购物、在线教育、远程医疗等“非接触经济”全面提速,为经济发展提供了新路径。

    COVID-19 has fueled the boom of new technologies , new business forms and new platforms such as 5G , artificial intelligence ( AI ) and smart cities , and accelerated the development of a contact-free economy like online shopping , online education and telemedicine .

  5. 德勤计划用AR和VR技术来展示他们在智慧城市、智慧医疗和智慧制造方面提出的解决方案。

    Deloitte is planning to use both augmented and virtual reality to showcase its solutions for smart cities , smart healthcare and smart manufacturing .

  6. 麻省理工学院智慧城市实验室(MITSenseableCityLab)负责人卡洛.拉蒂(CarloRatti)表示:你可以在车上吃饭、工作、睡觉和接吻。

    You can use your car for eating , working , sleeping , kissing , Carlo Ratti , head of MIT 's Senseable City Lab , told the Autonomy conference .

  7. 相比智慧城市设计师通常运用的屏幕、感应器、微芯片和大数据,丹·罗斯格德(DaanRoosegaarde)使用的工具更加别出心裁:吞噬雾霾的机器、发光浮游生物和太阳光敏油漆。

    Rather than the screens , sensors , microchips and Big Data typically employed by Smart City designers , Daan Roosegaarde works with a more fanciful tool kit : smog-eating machines , light-emitting plankton and solar-sensitive paint .

  8. 智慧城市;城市发展;物联网;智能生活;

    Smart City ; City Development ; Internet of Things ; Smart Lifestyle ;

  9. 从与智慧城市相关的影响者处获得灵感

    Gain insight from influencers related to smarter cities

  10. 智慧城市离不开快速、准确的身份识别技术。

    A fast and accurate identification technology is of great importance in the modern city .

  11. 物联网技术是实现智慧城市、智慧生活的基础。

    The IOT Technology is the basis for realization of wise city and wise life .

  12. 作为智慧城市的信息系统必须拥有强大的计算能力、感知能力和数据应用能力。

    Smart cities ' information systems must have enhanced computing power , sensory ability and data application .

  13. 而智慧城市的构想和理念又是由很多具体方面组成的,城市照明就是其中一项。

    And Structure of smart city is made up of several specific aspects , and city lighting is one of them .

  14. 智慧城市的建设方兴未艾,以科技和创新为特征的智慧城市建设已成为全球城市竞争的制高点。

    Characterized by high technique and innovation , the construction of Smart City has become the competition point among global cities .

  15. 视频监控对于智能城市管理、打击违法犯罪以及建设平安城市与智慧城市具有重要作用。

    Video surveillance is of great significance for intelligent urban management and cracking down crimes to build a safe and smart city .

  16. 云计算、物联网和语义网三大技术的发展为智慧城市建设提供了可行性,对云计算、物联网和语义网的应用基础和关键技术研究具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

    The development of cloud computing , internet of things and semantic net is the matter of feasibility to the construction of smart cities .

  17. 本文的研究工作对智慧城市构建中道路信息的获取及更新具有一定的参考价值。

    The research of this paper gives a certain value to roads ' information obtaining and updating in the construction of " smart city " .

  18. 作为智慧城市在中国的应用,无线城市项目的提出旨在解决市民生活信息化问题。

    As the application of Smart City ( SC ) in China , Wireless City ( WC ) is proposed to solve the problem of citizen life informatization .

  19. 软件园的软通动力公司执行副总裁朱晓辉认为,“智慧城市”走到今天,其实仅仅只是个开局,2011年才是中国“智慧城市”的元年。

    Zhu Xiaohui pointed out " Smart City " coming to today is only a start , and2011 is the starting year of " Smart City " in China .

  20. 新一代智能系统具有广泛的应用背景,可用于智慧城市、智慧交通、国防军事、健康监护、环境监控等领域,受到越来越多研究者的关注。

    The intelligent system has extensive application field , such as smart city , intelligent transportation , military defense , health care and environmental monitoring , which has attract much attention from researchers .

  21. 近年来,国内外许多地方都在提出和着手进行智慧城市建设,城市信息基础设施是智慧城市建设的重要组成部分。

    In recent years , many places at home and abroad are presented and proceed with the construction of the wisdom city , city information infrastructure is an important part of wisdom city construction .

  22. 根据北京青年报周三报道,随着我国对智慧城市建设行动的推广,全国已实现城市一卡通互联互通的城市共计72个。

    A total of 72 cities in China are increasingly well connected through the use of a one-card pass as the country pushes for smart city initiatives , Beijing Youth Daily reported on Wednesday .

  23. 智慧城市是利用信息和通信技术使城市更加智能,资源利用率高,节约生活成本,提高生活质量,以人为本持续创新。

    Smart city makes the city more intelligent , high resource utilization , saving the cost of living , improving the quality of life and people-oriented continuous innovation by utilizing information and communication technologies .

  24. 今天讲很多智慧城市、智慧交通等等,实际上你看深度一点,从云计算到一个网络平台,到一个互联网到中间分析一定要总体去看。

    Today we talk about many intelligent cities and transportation , but in fact , you should see it as a whole , from cloud computing to network platform , and from one internet to intermediate analysis .

  25. 在智慧城市背景下,随着现代科技的不断发展进步,各企事业单位都建立了各自的信息系统,实现了数据的信息化和网络化管理。

    Under the background of intelligent city , with the continuous development of modern science and technology progress , all enterprises and institutions have established their own information system , realized the data informatization and network management .

  26. 道路是关系国民经济的重要基础设施,道路信息的及时、准确、高效获取与更新对智慧城市的构建具有极其重要的意义。

    Road is the critical infrastructure for the development of national economy . It is of vital significant to obtain and update road information timely , accurately and efficiently for the construction of " smart city " .

  27. 智慧城市是一个多元智慧化的概念,涉及到城市产业、生活服务等城市物质环境全面的信息化,当然也离不开物联网等信息基础设施的支撑。

    Smart City is a concept of multiple intelligence , related to urban industry , urban living services and comprehensive information of the physical environment etc , of course , things can not do without the support of information infrastructure .

  28. 智慧城市是人类文明的集中体现和综合应用,是当代城市发展的崭新模式,也是城市信息化发展的高级阶段。

    These pressing issues hinder the urbanization process . " Smart city " is a concentrated expression and comprehensive application of human civilization , and a new mode of contemporary urban development , as well as the advanced stage of city informatization .

  29. 智慧城市是城市的管理革命和发展模式的创新,其核心在于运用现代信息通信技术构建一个智能感知环境。

    Smart City is the revolution of city management and innovation of development mode , and is also the direction of city development , whose core is using modern communication technology to create a complete high-speed fusion network and intelligent sensing environment .

  30. 物联网技术作为我国十二五规划中的战略技术,目前已经广泛用于交通运输、物流产业以及智慧城市等应用领域中,在日常生活、工业生产以至军事中发挥着重要的作用。

    As a strategic technology of the 12th Five-Year Plan in our country , the internet of things technology has been applied in various areas such as transportation , logistics and smart city and plays an important part in normal life , industries and even in the army .