
  • 网络gnomon
  1. 这样,晷针的上端正好指向北天极,下端正好指向南天极。

    The upper end of the sundial points right to the North Pole , and the lower end to the South .

  2. 所以在观察日晷时,首先要了解两个不同时期晷针的投影位置。

    Therefore , when observing the sun-dial , it is important to first find out the projection position in the two different peri-ods .

  3. 从秋分到春分期间,太阳在天赤道的南侧运行,因此,晷针的影子投向晷面的下方。

    Likewise , since the sun moves in the southern side of the equator from the autumn equinox to the vernal e-quinox , the shadow is cast on the lower part .

  4. 铜制的指针叫做“晷针”,垂直地穿过圆盘中心,起着圭表中立竿的作用,因此,晷针又叫“表”,石制的圆盘叫做“晷面”,安放在石台上,呈南高北低,

    The needle crosses the center of the dial vertically , just like the pole of the gnomon , and the stone dial is placed onto a stone plat-form , higher in the south and lower in the north .