
  • 网络Landscape Sculpture
  1. 城市的眼睛&景观雕塑漫谈

    The Eyes of the City & Ramble on Landscape Sculpture

  2. 三峡移民新城景观雕塑设计构想

    Designing Conception of Landscape Sculpture in the New City for the Three Gorge Resettlement

  3. 基于现代艺术的园林景观雕塑的反叛

    Contest of Traditional Sculpture in Landscape Architecture Based on Modern Art

  4. 雕塑意境的探寻&公共景观雕塑创作有感

    Public Sculpture : Seeking for Mood of Environment

  5. 现代城市景观雕塑规划设计探讨

    Discussion on Landscape Sculpture Planning in Modern City

  6. 景观雕塑概念辨析

    Differentiation and Analyse Concept of Landscape Sculpture

  7. 景观雕塑的艺术语言

    Artistic Language of Landscape Sculpture

  8. 景观雕塑的造型空间

    Space Design of Landscape Sculpture

  9. 当代城市景观雕塑的创作与民俗文化有着不可分割的关系。

    There is an inseparable relationship between the creation of the contemporary urban landscape sculpture and folk culture .

  10. 而景观雕塑在这样的景观环境中会起到画龙点睛的作用。

    The landscape sculpture in the landscape such as the environment will play a role in the finishing touch .

  11. 而景观雕塑是人文景观中最能够表现文化的一种艺术形式,是人文景观最重要的组成部分。

    As the most important part of the humanities landscape , the landscape-sculpture is the best art form to exhibit the civilization .

  12. 随着社会经济的发展,景观雕塑的物质功能、精神功能及审美功能的重要性日益凸显。

    The importance of landscape sculpture in its material function and spiritual function is increasingly protruding with thedevelopment of social and economic development .

  13. 公司产品有:园林景观雕塑,城市雕塑,人物肖像雕塑,佛像雕塑,装饰性标志性雕塑,酒店娱乐等雕塑。

    Our products include : garden landscape sculpture , city sculpture , portrait sculpture , Buddha sculpture , decorative sculpture , landmark , hotel and entertainment sculptures .

  14. 在收集和大量阅读相关资料的同时,并试图阐明在现代全球化趋势下,通过发掘社会民众对景观雕塑产生新的艺术观与诉求性方向。

    Simultaneously , going with reading and collecting relation data , the author attempts to illustrate people 's art value and the pursuing direction at the tendency of global .

  15. 本文以成都市景观雕塑为例,论述在公共环境中雕塑是城市公共文化代言人。

    This paper , taking the sight sculptures in Chengdu as an example , holds that in the public environment sculpture serves as the prolocutor of the public culture of the city .

  16. 同时说明景观雕塑既丰富了景观的表现力,又深化了主题,也增添了景观的人文情怀和心灵感受。

    Also indicates that not only enriched the landscape sculpture , expressive landscapes , but also to deepen the theme , but also added to the landscape of the human feelings and spiritual experience .

  17. 城市景观雕塑的设计需要与城市广场、街区、绿化、文化背景等各种因素相协调,才能发挥其装饰、美化城市和诉说有关城市人文艺术历程的作用。

    The urban landscape sculpture design needs and city square , blocks , landscaping , cultural background factors , to co-ordinate its adornment , beautify cities , and tell about the role of city art .

  18. 从而为当前景观雕塑设计建设过程中不够科学规范的局面打开一个研究思路,以便提供符合景观雕塑建设现状的并具有可应用性的参考价值观点。

    It can therefore open a research idea for the situation which is not standardized in the construction process of current landscape sculpture and a practical reference complying with the current status of landscape sculpture construction .

  19. 作品通过借古开今,并与中国传统书画中的某些元素进行了紧密结合,经过作者独具匠心的构图安排,使雕塑有了惊心动魄的整体气势与微妙无穷的细节变化,创造了景观雕塑的新形式。

    The present work by borrowing the ancient Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy , and some of the elements closely , after the author of originality composition , make sculpture has arranged a soul-stirring overall imposing manner and subtle endless variations in detail , created new forms of landscape sculpture .

  20. 公共景观艺术与雕塑

    Public Landscape Art and Sculpture

  21. 伴随着雕塑从传统形式走向现代形式,设计师们开始将现代景观设计和雕塑结合起来,把室外的场地作为雕塑塑造的对象,把园林景观当作空间的雕塑;

    While sculpture experiences from tradition to modern , designers begin to combine modern landscape with sculpture , taking outer space as the object that is figured , taking landscape as spatial sculpture .

  22. 到立体主义以后的抽象雕塑的产生与现代建筑形式上的趋同导致位置关系上的相对独立,致使在大的环境景观上出现雕塑对建筑的配合;

    Since the Cubic period , the appearance of abstract sculpture and the convergence of modern architectural styles had resulted in the comparative independence of their positional relationship , which in turn promoted the match between sculpture and architecture in the bigger environment .

  23. 从旅游景观的开发谈雕塑

    On Sculpture from a Perspective of Scenery Development

  24. 那特创作团队,举多方之力,专为景观工程提供配套雕塑创意设计和制作。

    As a team of ARTMEN , we try best to make products and provide our design ideas for landscape projects .

  25. 2003年,为了丰富园内景观,北京国际雕塑公园建设了玉兰专类园&“玉兰花苑”。

    In2003 , for making park scene more beautifully , Beijing International Sculpture Park built Magnolia species Garden called Magnolia Garden .

  26. 景观定位为具雕塑特征的适合观赏的内庭院,营造整体化的景观,与商务区遥相呼应,使其个性化景观得到最大化的体现。

    Landscape position is to create courtyard that is suitable for appreciation with sculpture feature , build whole landscape and echo with commercial area which maximized the personal landscape .

  27. 泉城路的商铺景观、建筑景观以及雕塑、喷泉、座椅等街头小品都体现出传统与现代两种风格夹杂共生的状态。

    The shops landscape , architecture landscape and street sketch ( such as sculpture , fountain and seat ) embody traditional and modern styles mixed symbiosis .

  28. 其次解析了雕塑在景观环境中的功能、作用和意义来揭示景观雕塑的在环境中存在的重要性。

    Second , analysis of the sculpture in the landscape environment , the functions , role and significance of landscape sculpture to reveal the importance of the existence in the environment .