- 网络plotinus

From Plotinus ' philosophy , Augustine created special theological way to express Latin faith norm .
On Plotinus ' Method of Return
Being influenced by he Neo-Platonism of Plotinus , Augustine proposed the theory of order of law .
Plotinus and Classical Value
During a long time , except Tertullian , there are almost no speculative theologies in Latin Christian tradition .
Chapter five elaborates the theory of the creation of literature and art of the human and divine nature of them .
The fundamental theme of his ideology is the desire for one ultimate holy noumenon . It exists internally and objectively as well .
Plotinus , the most important philosopher in ancient Greek , has been neglected for a long time in the field of philosophy in China .
As we all know , Plotinus is one of the eminent philosophers during the transitional period between the ancient Greece and the Middle Ages .
Plotinus tries to find a new route between these two tense theories in order to sum up their fruits and solve the problems of each .
Plotinus ' theology further promotes the relationship of Plato ' ideas and gods , meanwhile , it evades the Person of God mentioned by Augustine .
The Theory of ' the Grandest One ' : The ladder With Which Plotinus Led the Ancient Greek Artistic Theories to the Altar of the Middle Ages
By the analysis of Plotinus ' philosophical originality , we can hold the special skeleton of Christian paradigms in Late Antiquity and its relationship with Neo-Platonism .
Both Greek Christian and Latin Christian theological paradigms in Late Antiquity are related closely with Plotinus ' Neo-Platonism , their theologies are based on Plotinus ' philosophy .
A school of philosophy that flourished from the second to the fifth centuries AD It was founded by Plotinus and was influential for the next thousand years .
His Trinity , which closely resembles that of Plotinus , fails to preserve the equality of the Three Persons , although he tries to safeguard himself on this point .
With the sole exception of Plotinus and his followers , classical aesthetics identified the principle of beauty with the consonance of the parts with each other and the whole .
Plotinus is a ' Greek philosopher ' who lives in the ancient Rome , and he is also a connecting link between the ancient world and the middle ages .
In order to make further argumentation the Cappadocian Fathers and Augustine 's theologies on the base of Plotinus ' philosophy , we expound the originality of Plotinus ' philosophy in the second part of Chapter One .
The second chapter focuses on Plotinus ' subjectivity of aesthetics . In this chapter , it is revealed that how aesthetics subject realizes its rising and finally returns to the ' one ' by an inner vision .
The first chapter focuses on Plotinus ' beauty ontology and discusses the ' fall ' structure . This chapter is based on the clue of the emanation of the ' one ' and then explores how the ' beauty ' degenerates step by step .
Plotinus ' life experiences , his times , and the religious and thought world he lived in , had decided the core question of his religious thought : how our soul moves towards God so that our soul and the One , the human and God could achieve oneness .