- 网络Princeton University Press

Colm T ó ib í n , " On Elizabeth Bishop " ( Princeton University Press )
Gibbons , R. " Game Theory for Applied Economists . " Princeton University Press , 1992 .
But in a new book , " Climate Shock : The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet " ( Princeton 2015 ) , Gernot Wagner of the Environmental Defense Fund and Martin L. Weitzman , a Harvard economist , question that assumption .
The book & my publisher Princeton University Press wants to get it out before this crisis is over .
William McNeill , The Great Frontier : Freedom and Hierarchy in Modern Times , Princeton University Press , 1983 .
There 's a great little book by a very famous philosopher called G.A.Cohen called Why Not Socialism ?( Princeton University Press , 2009 ) .
Beauty Pays : Why Attractive People are More Successful . By Daniel Hamermesh . Princeton University Press ; 216 pages ; $ 24.95 and £ 16.95 . Buy from Amazon.com , Amazon.co.uk
At present , the 76-year-old Harold Bloom is intensely engaged in the writing of what he hopes to be his masterpiece , The Anatomy of Influence , which is to be published in 2008 by Princeton University Press .
Beitz , Charles R. " Part II : The Autonomy of States . " In Political Theory and International Relations . Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press . , 1979 , pp.67-123 .