
  • 网络prahalad
  1. 这种不耐烦导致了普拉哈拉德的显赫职业生涯中一次失败。

    This impatience led to one of the few failures of Mr Prahalad 's otherwise gravity-defying career .

  2. 普拉哈拉德在新兴市场地位崇高,尤其是在印度,受到著名的比尔?盖茨等商界慈善家的赞扬。

    Mr Prahalad was lionised in the emerging markets , particularly in India , and hailed by corporate philanthropists , notably Bill Gates .

  3. 由普拉哈拉德(C.K.Prahalad)撰写的这本书描述了世界上每天靠不到2.5美元为生的25亿人所提供的种种商机。

    The book by C.K.Prahalad describes the commercial opportunities offered by the2.5 billion people in the world who live on less than $ 2.50 per day .

  4. 自美国学者普拉哈拉德与哈默尔提出核心竞争力的概念以来,日益引起了理论界与实践界的广泛关注。

    Since the American scholar draws the concepts of the Core Competencies , which are concerned in theory and practice day by day .

  5. 不过,普拉哈拉德的核心竞争力在于宏大思想,而不在于亲力亲为。

    But then Mr Prahalad 's core competence lay in big ideas rather than in dotting the " I " s and crossing the " t " s.

  6. 20世纪90年代,普拉哈拉德和加里·哈默提出核心竞争力理论,并认为核心竞争力是企业竞争优势之源。

    In the 1990s , the pula Harrar Germany and Gary Hammer proposed that the core competitiveness theory , and thought the core competitiveness is source of the enterprise competitive advantage .

  7. 最近,普拉哈拉德以他的“金字塔底层”的思想而闻名于世,这个思想的大意是:全球的穷人市场对于商人来说是不应被忽略的,这个市场也能够为企业提供非常好的利润回报。

    More recently , Prahalad has become best known for his ideas about what he has called " the bottom of the pyramid " , the idea that poor people around the world can be a good and profitable market for businesses and should not be ignored .