  • dawn;daybreak
  • know;let sb. know;tell
  • 天明:~市。拂~。破~。报~。

  • 知道,懂得:~畅。~得。分~。

  • 使人知道清楚:~示。~谕。


(天刚亮的时候) dawn; daybreak:

  • 拂晓


  • 春眠不觉晓。

    In spring, one sleeps and wakes up to find it is already day.


(知道) know:

  • 家喻户晓

    known to each and every family;

  • 谁个不知, 哪个不晓?

    There's not a person who doesn't know.


(使人知道) let sb. know; tell:

  • 揭晓

    make known; announce

  1. 造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。(杜甫《登泰山》)

    Here creation concentrated unearthly glory , | dark North slope , the sunlit South divide dusk and dawn .

  2. 由此引发了隐者赵良对其的晓之厉害。

    This triggered a hermit Zhao Liang , the dawn of its powerful .

  3. 谁个不知,哪个不晓?

    There 's not a person who doesn 't know .

  4. 东方欲晓。

    Dawn is breaking .

  5. 这人好不晓事!

    How thoughtless he is !

  6. 被评估的机构一般不知晓神秘顾客的特定身份和目的。

    The mystery consumer 's specific identity and purpose is generally not known by the establishment being evaluated .

  7. 这段代码最有趣的一面是它不知晓Web、联网、SOAP或XML。

    The most interesting aspect of this code is that it is not aware of the Web , networking , SOAP , or XML .

  8. 云晓养生保健醋香味成分的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS analysis for flavor components in Yunxiao healthy vinegar

  9. x类的特点是所有非组字都混读为晓组字,因此这一类方言中没有f声母。

    The feature of x-type is all Fei-set characters read Xiao-set characters , so the type of locations has not f initial .

  10. 患者对DM、IGT的未知晓率分别为23.5%及24.8%。

    The rate of unawareness of DM , and IGT was 23.5 % and 24.8 % respectively .

  11. 上海国际问题研究所(shanghaiinstituteforinternationalstudies)的晓刚公布了一份“经济愿望清单”,其中包括美国放松对中国高科技出口的限制。

    Zha Xiaogang , of the Shanghai Institute for international studies , has published an " economic wish-list " , which includes a relaxation of US restrictions on exports of sophisticated technology to China .

  12. 比如家喻户晓的一个例子,团购网站Groupon拒掉了谷歌公司(Google)的60亿美元出价。

    Groupon ( grpn ) , for example , famously shunned a $ 6 billion offer from Google ( GOOG ) .

  13. 10kV晓坪线无功补偿应用实践

    Application and Practice of Reactive Power Compensation for 10 kV Xiaoping Line

  14. IBM采取了研究人员已知晓多年的一系列推理策略,通过调整这些策略建立了一个系统,该系统在处理语言时的灵活性超过了此前的想象。

    IBM had taken a collection of reasoning strategies known to researchers for years , and tuned them to create a system more supple in its handling of language than previously thought possible .

  15. Zazi几天以来一直接受FBI的审讯,我们并不知晓他交代了哪些信息。

    Zazi has been ing questioning for three days by the FBI and we do not know what kind of information he had shared with them .

  16. 排除已知晓自患糖尿病的患者,对于剩余的高血压患者行OGTT实验,并给予行静脉血脂的测定。

    Exclusion of patients with having known diabetes , for the remainder cases with hypertension , experimenting the OGTT and giving intravenous lipid determination .

  17. FTC表示,尽管甲骨文在2011年“已知晓其升级流程存在的不足”,但这个问题依然存在。

    The problem continued even though Oracle " was aware of the insufficiency of its update process " in 2011 , the FTC said .

  18. 在过去四年来,他并不知晓Nigel的行踪,但Chick说鹦鹉的英语口音已经没有了,它现在跌跌不休地说着西班牙语。

    Little is known about Nigel 's whereaboutsthe past four years , but Chick says the bird 's British accent is gone , and itnow chatters in Spanish .

  19. 上述消息发布之后,暴雪公司(Blizzard)出声表示,他们“并不知晓任何正在发生的监控行为”,也从未给予美国国安局渗透其名下游戏的许可。

    Since the revelation , Blizzard has spoken out saying that they were " unaware of any surveillance taking place , " and never gave the NSA permission to infiltrate the game .

  20. 网站引用Hershorn的说法,表明Wilking在拍摄时并不知晓布什写的是什么内容。

    The website quoted Mr Hershorn as saying that Wilking had no idea what Mr Bush was writing at the time when he took the shots .

  21. NSO方面已经发表了一份声明,承认他们用技术来“打击恐怖和犯罪”,但是也表示他们不知晓任何特定事件,也没有参与到任何特别的间谍软件中来。

    NSO has issued a statement acknowledging that it makes technology used to " combat terror and crime " but said it had no knowledge of any particular incidents and made no reference to the specific spyware involved .

  22. 任命;指定晓翻译:总经理任命她为共司的首席执行官。

    The general manager appointed her the CEO of the company .

  23. 因此我毫不知晓莫里得病的情况。

    So I did not know of Mor rie 's illness .

  24. 虽然不晓的好不好看,先谢谢分享影片。

    It is very great ! thank so much for sharing !

  25. 你可知晓你的圣子已经到来使你获得新生?

    That your baby boy has come to make you new ?

  26. 瑞安,所有的情况我都已知晓

    I 've been apprised of all the facts , Ryan .

  27. 家传户晓的卡通片《芝麻街》中的“曲奇怪”正在减肥。

    Seasame Street favourite Cookie Monster is going on a diet .

  28. 评级机构下调评级通常只是对大部分投资者已知晓情况的确认。

    Rating agency downgrades often confirm what most investors already know .

  29. 人们并不知晓他何以有如此动人的能力。

    The people knew not the power that moved them thus .

  30. 岁月渐逝,我知道的愈多,明晓的却愈少

    The more I know , the less I understand these times