- dominant gene

Because it is carried by a dominant gene , an affected individual can expect about half of his or her children to inherit the illness .
The experiment of hybridization indicated that columnar growth habit is controlled by a single dominant gene .
Qing-Hua-Ai 6 has an allelic gene at the X α - 4 locus .
The dominant coat color in pigs is controlled by KIT gene .
Obtaining of SCAR Markers of Two Dominant Genes for Opposite Leaves and Fruits Trait of Zea Mays
The effect arises from an accumulation of dominant genes in the F1 .
A carrier of Ga gene can pollinate any other corn , but can be only pollinated by a carrier of the same dominant allele .
They had different single dominant gene respectively to ZE_1 race .
The character of narrow leaflet was dominantly-inherited . The segregation of narrow and normal leaflet in F2 populations indicated that the narrow leaflet was controlled by a dominant gene .
Twenty-one and 9 out of the 30 Xa genes are dominant and recessive , respectively .
Among D 1 generation seedlings some of them express dominant genes of leaf shape and stem color of offering plant .
And the colors of fruit of marketable mature stage and those of physiological mature stage were controlled by different genes .
The gene parents carrying were difference .
The seed setting percentage of cross combinations between octoploid triticale which were used as female parent and short straw common wheat was found to be controlled by a pair of allelic genes , Cr cr.
Recent surveys in China found several native PCNA cultivars in Hubei , Henan and anhui provinces , within trait of natural loss of astringency and its alleles are dominant .
The Taigu genie male sterility discovered in China is conditioned by the dominant gene Ms2 .
The restorer of AB1 had one pair of dominant major genes . When one of them is present in the nucleus , the effect of the environmental sensitive genes will be masked .
The resistance of CI-7 was controlled by complementary action of one dominant gene and one recessive gene .
This article reports the genetic analysis of " 035A " male-sterile line controlled by overlapping double dominant genes .
The analysis of F_1 , F_2 and B_1 F_2 populations from the crosses of the five cultivars with susceptible cultivar , Sheng-Nong 1033 . It was concluded that resistance in Pei-Zao 15 and Bang-Zhu-Mang is under a single dominant gene controlling the 3 strains at booting stage .
Basta resistance identification , dot blot and southern blot hybridization analysis demonstrate that the cryIA ( b ) gene and bar gene are co-integrated into the maize genome DNA in most of transgenic plants , and are delivered to the progeny according to Mendel 's single gene segregation .
The results showed that the resistance of the line 83 02 to phomopsis rotis controlled by a pair of dominant genes . The genes were named as a Rph and rph .
The results indicated that the resistance of Restore line 6180 to B 13 , E 3 strains were controlled by three dominant genes , and the resistance to B 29 strain was controlled by two dominant genes .
Dominant gene and recessive gene , housekeeping gene and luxury gene , structural gene and controlling gene , pseudo gene , Gene-P and Gene-D can be the function of gene itself .
The result of the research on vernalization gene confirmed that the frequency of Vrn-D1 site was the highest of all the dominant genes , with Vrn-B1 the next and the Vrn-B3 the lowest .
So far , the large-grain dominant gene has not reported . Thus this research is the first to map a large-grain dominant gene on the chromosome 2 in rice , which was temporarily designated as GL & 2 .
Two Complementary Dominant Genes Controlling Apomixis in Genus Citrus and Poncirus
Turquoise and steel are not dominant over each other .
Research on effect of overdominant genes of quantitative traits
To Ken 54-04 strain by two dominant genes and one recessive gene .