
  • 网络the Lunar New Year cross-strait charter flight arrangement;Spring Festival Charter Flights
  1. 目前最迫切的问题是明年春节包机是否成行。

    The most immediate question is whether to schedule direct flights in time for the Lunar New Year holidays in February .

  2. 2003年正式批准春节期间实行两岸包机,之后逐步扩展到其它传统节日。

    Cross-straits charter flights were approved in2003 during the Lunar New Year and later expanded to other traditional festivals .

  3. 两岸包机原本只限于春节,此次中秋包机标志著两岸节日包机服务范围的进一步扩大。

    The flight signalled the extension of the cross-Straits charter flight service , which used to be restricted to the Spring Festival .

  4. 自从2003年海峡两岸开通直航包机以来,今年是两岸春节期间互通直航包机的第四年。

    This year 's direct charter flight service for the Spring Festival is the fourth of its kind , having begun in2003 .