
The physicist Kip Thorne has a book out , The Science of Interstellar , explaining it all .
Also left out wasJessica Chastain , who had been in the running both for " Interstellar " and " A Most Violent Year , " which got nothing .
And Jessica Chastain , once a hoped-for awards contender for " Interstellar , " kept the small drama " A Most Violent Year " on the map , receiving a supporting actress nomination .
Globes voters also pushed a slew of prominent films , including " Interstellar " and " Unbroken , " to the rear of the awards pack by giving them little or no recognition .
Like the great space epics of the past , Christopher Nolan 's " Interstellar " distills terrestrial anxieties and aspirations into a potent pop parable , a mirror of the mood down here on Earth .
But Christopher Nolan 's epic movie " Interstellar " has almost no couples , so you don 't get the charged romance you have in normal movies where a man and a woman are off saving the world .
An image of Anne Hathaway and Matthew McConaughey from the science fiction movie " Interstellar " takes a guess : " Gravity is so great here that one hour is like seven years on Earth , " she says .
And I 'm going to start us off by talking about the biggest , most ambitious and in certain ways the most political of the fall releases that made landfall last month : Christopher Nolan 's " Interstellar . "
Globes voters , which are typically eager to lean into commercial hits ( as they did on Thursday with " Gone Girl , " giving it four nominations , a strong showing ) , only found Christopher Nolan 's " Interstellar " worthy of a lone nod , for best score .
The Interstellar is no exception .
This time , the roles are reversed , though , with the father rocketing through time and space .
Did the experience of Interstellar make you think about what it means to be a parent or a child ?
Yes , " Interstellar " says that a person 's greatness should never be underestimated , belittled , shackled .
The Nolans are fond of doubled characters and mirrored plots , and so Interstellar is built around twinned father-daughter stories .
Interstellar imagines a not-far-off future where science and engineering are not highly valued , and humanity has lost its pioneering spirit .
On July 25 , a brand-new trailer that isn 't yet available to the public was unveiled during a Comic-Con panel .
A cynical critic might suppose that the last two hours of " Interstellar " were composed in a fit of spoiler hysteria .
There are additional aspects of " Interstellar " that don 't seem to be particularly conservative or at least easily politically defined .
Frank Bruni : I 'm glad you started with " Interstellar , " because , wow , that is one chewy movie .
So maybe " Imitation Game , " like " Interstellar , " is in one sense about the need to unshackle excellence .
But Gravity and Interstellar are both ultimately about the longing for home , about voyages into the unknown that become odysseys of return .
I suspect Interstellar will leave many people with a radical openness to strange truth just below and above the realm of the everyday .
Beyond which , " Interstellar " is very much about the profound sacrifices that an individual must make for the sake of a larger community .
Ms. Chastain , Ms. Hathaway and Mr. McConaughey gathered recently to discuss the pathways that led them to Interstellar and the universes to which it introduced them .
For example , US actress Anne Hathaway ( Interstellar , The Dark Knight Rises ) has been invited to The Daily Show five times to discuss her career .
Director Christopher Nolan follows up the Dark Knight trilogy , Inception and Interstellar with what 's set to be one of the most ambitious historical war movies yet .
Interstellar is important because amid all the culture wars between science and faith and science and the humanities , the movie illustrates the real symbiosis between these realms .
And , yes , " Interstellar " fudges on what 's causing the terrible weather that troubles the planet , declining to cast its lot with global warming .
His second post , on Wednesday , described the interstellar project Breakthrough Starshot which he is backing , saying it was " exciting to be involved in such an ambitious project . "
Interstellar , full of visual dazzle , thematic ambition , geek bait and corn ( including the literal kind ), is a sweeping , futuristic adventure driven by grief , dread and regret .