
xīnɡ zhuànɡ tǐ
  • aster
  1. 45例组织液涂片革兰染色及PAS染色发现孢子40例(88.8%)、星状体1例(2.2%)。

    In smears exudates from lesion , spores were found in 40 cases ( 88 . 8 % ) and asteroid bodies in 1 case ( 2.2 % ) with Gram and PAS stain in 45 cases .

  2. 那个小孩把金属线弯曲成一个星状体。

    The child twisted the wire into the shape of a star .

  3. 紫菀属植物;星状体大多数的紫菀在秋天开花。

    Aster Most asters bloom in the fall .