
  • 网络DBS Bank;DBS Group;Development Bank of Singapore;DBS Hong Kong
  1. 国外参展方有摩根士丹利、万事达以及星展银行等。

    Foreign names include Morgan Stanley , Mastercard and DBS Bank .

  2. 对于新加坡星展银行和其他银行而言,这些新客户的消费习惯与既有的国内客户形成对比。

    The spending habits of the newcomers contrast with those of the established , domestic clientele of DBS and other banks .

  3. 迄今为止,36家企业获得了自贸区的牌照,包括8家本土银行和两家外资银行:花旗银行(Citibank)和星展银行(DBS)。

    So far , 36 enterprises have been granted licences in the zone , including eight local banks and two foreign banks : Citibank and DBS .

  4. 新加坡星展银行(DBS)表示,在不包括日本的亚洲前十大经济体中,私人部门消费比危机前高出了7%。

    According to DBS , the Singapore bank , private sector consumption is 7 per cent higher than pre-crisis levels in the 10 largest Asian economies excluding Japan .

  5. 新加坡星展银行(DBS)中国内地与香港科技总监林大卫(DavidLynch)称,香港作为世界主要金融中心之一的地位,使之成为创办面向亚洲及其他地区、专注于金融技术的企业的理想地点。

    David Lynch , head of technology for DBS in China and Hong Kong , says Hong Kong 's position as one of the world 's leading financial centres makes it an ideal location for start-ups focused on banking technology in Asia and beyond .

  6. 在十月,星展银行发生误毁客?保险箱事件。

    In october , rented safe deposit boxes at DBS Bank were accidentally destroyed .

  7. 招商银行香港分行开业星展银行(香港)有限公司

    China Merchants Bank Hong Kong Branch opens business

  8. 星展银行(香港)有限公司

    DBS Bank ( Hong Kong ) Limited

  9. 新加坡企业代表(腾飞集团、星展银行、凯德置地)也将在会上分享它们在杭州的投资项目。

    Representative from Ascendas , DBS Bank and CapitaLand will also share their experiences investing in Hangzhou with the participants .

  10. 星展银行、华侨银行、大华银行的私人银行部门管理的资产,规模增速超过了2011年该地区私人财富11%的增速。

    Growth in assets under management at the private banking divisions of DBS , OCBC and UOB outpaced the 11 per cent growth in regional private wealth in 2011 .

  11. 首先回顾了国外商业银行公司治理的历史,接着对商业银行公司治理的四种模式的主要特点作了比较分析,并给出新加坡星展银行的案例,最后给出国外商业银行公司治理给我国的启示。

    First of all this thesis reviews the history of corporate governance of foreign commercial banks . Then this thesis makes comparative analysis of main features of the four models of corporate governance of commercial banks , and gives the case of DBS Bank .