
xīng zi
  • planetesimal;particle;bit;little bits
星子 [xīng zǐ]
  • 细小物 [planetesimal;little bits] b 〈方〉∶指星星

  • 满天星子

星子[xīng zi]
  1. 他一着急,说起话来就唾沫星子四溅。

    He splutters terribly when excited .

  2. 黄昏吹着风的软,星子在无意中闪,

    At dusk blowing the soft wind , stars twinkling

  3. 方法:用PCR-SSCP及PCR-RFLP技术检测了47例肠化生组织中p53基因5-8外显子及APC基因15-6外星子、K-ras基因第12位点突变。

    Methods : Exons 5 to 8 of p53 . exon 15-6 of APC and codon 12 of K-ras were examined for mutation with PCR-SSCP and PCR-RFLP in 47 cases of IM .

  4. 本文以大倾角双星系统中星子碰撞生长过程为背景,研究了气体盘的引力和阻力对Kozai效应的影响。

    We investigate the effects of gas-disk gravity on the planetesimal dynamics in inclined binary systems .

  5. 星子和这位樵夫的孩子们一起被扶养长大。

    And Star-Child was brought up with the woodcutter 's children .

  6. 我们在山巅看那星子穿过夜空;

    We can watch stars cross the sky on a mountaintop ;

  7. 在星子县旅游体验上帝的感觉!

    Travel in Xingzi County , appreciate the god 's feelings .

  8. 她明亮的双眸比天空中任何一颗星子都更加灿烂。

    Her bright eyes are brighter than any star in the sky .

  9. 星子&庐山地理学实践教学的内容、方法与模式

    Content , Method and Mode of Geography Practice Teaching in Xingzi-Lushan District

  10. 庐山星子温泉地热资源及可持续开发利用

    Geothermal Resources and Continuable Exploitation of Lushan Xingzi Hot Springs

  11. 于是星子到了树林里,星星点点地分布着一些树丛的大草原

    So the Star-Child went to the woods , a prairie islanded with groves

  12. 卑下的小虫爬上了一颗蜿蜒的星子。

    The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair ;

  13. 星子生气地大叫道:你疯了才会这么说。

    You are mad to say so , @ cried the Star-Child angrily .

  14. 星子县渚溪村血吸虫病疫情监测

    Surveillances on schistosomiasis in Zhuxi village , Xingzi County

  15. 庐山星子温泉及其地热田的基本特征

    Xingzi hot spring and basic features of geothermal field , Lushan , Jiangxi province

  16. 于是星子便随着兔子走。

    So the Star-Child went with the hare .

  17. 星子县鑫盛石材厂经销的板岩、文化石品种齐全、价格合理。

    Xingzi Xinsheng Stone Factory distribution slate , culture stone variety , reasonable prices .

  18. 星子看了以后,发现一个小帅哥映照在发亮的盾牌里。

    The Star-Child looked and found a handsome boy reflected in the polished shield .

  19. 星子拿起金子便飞快地跑回城里去。

    The Star-Child took the piece of yellow gold and hurried to the city .

  20. 星子在无意中闪,

    And the stars blink now and then ,

  21. 星子县疟疾防治情况回顾分析

    Situation of malaria control in Xingzi County

  22. 江西省星子县瓷土矿开发与环境保护问题探讨

    The Problem of China Clay Resources Development and Environmental Protection in Xingzi County , Jiangxi

  23. “当然,”我激动得唾沫星子都溅到了点心和米酒上。

    " Of course , " I spluttered over the dim sum and rice wine .

  24. 星子在无意中闪

    And the stars blink now and then

  25. 星子县丝虫病防治效果评价

    Evaluation on filariasis control in Xingzi County

  26. 庐山星子杂岩中绿帘石花岗岩的定年和成因

    Epidote Granite in the " Xingzi Complex " of Lushan Mountain : Dating and Genesis

  27. 国王摘下他的王冠戴在星子的头上。

    The king took off his crown and put it on the Star-Child 's head .

  28. 庐山星子群变质基性火山岩的地球化学特征及大地构造意义

    The geochemical characteristics of metamorphic basic volcanics from Xingzi Group , Lushan and the tectonic implications

  29. 环境共鸣设计&江西星子文化休闲中心方案

    Design of environmental resonance & scheme of cultural center square in Xingzi County of Jiangxi Province

  30. 她怒气冲冲,唾沫星子四溅。

    She was spluttering with rage .