
xīng zhàn
  • divine by astrology;cast a horoscope
星占 [xīng zhān]
  • (1) [divine by astrology]∶使用或实行占卜

  • (2) [cast a horoscope]∶用占星术计算

星占[xīng zhàn]
  1. 星占对北宋军事活动的影响

    The Influence of Astrology on Military Activities in Northern Song Dynasty

  2. 星占历法与宋代政治文化

    Astrological Divination and Calendar in Political Culture of the Song Dynasty

  3. 对星占学的功能,星占家进行了论述。

    Features on astrology , astrology family are discussed .

  4. 纳西族象形文字《二十八宿值日星占图》研究

    A Study of the Pictographic " 28-Star Divination " of the Naxi Nationality

  5. 对的事情总有时间去做,这就是星占学。

    " There is time to do the right thing ", this is astrology .

  6. 罗娜·赫尔曼是一个灵性星占学家、顾问、新时代实践者和教师。

    Ronna Herman is a spiritual astrologer , counselor , new age practioner and teacher .

  7. 星占学是研究行星对个人和人类的影响的科学。

    Astrology is the science of the influence of planets toward individuals and humankind as such .

  8. 本文旨在讨论南北朝后期的星占学术。

    The aim of the thesis is to discuss the astrology in the later of North and South Dynasty .

  9. 然而星占术的起源较早,其大致的成型时间以及成型原因等,都是值得深入探讨的问题。

    However , the origin of astrology was very earlier , the time and the reasons are worthy to study .

  10. 文章最后进一步讨论了木星历表作为一份星占学手册在日本古代被星占家们使用的情况。

    Finally , it is identified that the ephemeris has been used as an astrological handbook by Japanese astrologers in973-1132 years .

  11. 汉代天人感应思想的流行为星占学在汉代地发展奠定了思想基础。

    The Heaven and man responded thought was popular in the Han Dynasty , which lay ideological foundation for the development of astrology .

  12. 星占历法知识在古代社会中渗透到社会生活的各个层面,尤其是在古代政治运作中,天文星占扮演了重要角色,很大程度上影响了政治决策和政治斗争。

    Astrological divination and calendar knowledge infiltrate into every level of ancient structure particularly into political process , which influence political struggle and policymaking .

  13. 《四库总目》对中国传统星占学的否定四极质谱计在行星大气分析中的应用

    Complete Collection of Four Treasures ( Sikuquanshu ) as denial of traditional Chinese astrology ; The Application of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer in Planetary Atmosphere Study

  14. 原来它被命名为宝瓶座时代,正如星占学所预言的,它意味着精神扩展的新时代。

    Originally it had been given the name : the Age of Aquarius to signify the new era of spiritual enfoldment as foretold in astrology .

  15. 其二,积极投身于科学研究活动,并在医学、天文学、数学、星占学等领域取得了突出的成就;

    Second , they threw themselves actively into the study of sciences , and made outstanding achievements in medicine , astronomy , mathematics , horoscopy , etc.

  16. 接下来对星占学原理中的天人感应、分野理论、天体运行规律三方面作了介绍。

    Next on the principles of astrology in the interaction between heaven , differences between the theory and laws of the three celestial bodies are introduced .

  17. 两汉时期,星占学已经非常成熟,它对两汉的政治、民俗、史学等都产生了深远的影响。

    In Han Dynasty , astrology has been very mature , it had a profound impact on politic , folk customs , history and so on .

  18. 论简单行星排和复合行星排运动学转换星占学是研究行星对个人和人类的影响的科学。

    Research on the Transform between Simple and Compound Planet Gear Sets Astrology is the science of the influence of planets toward individuals and humankind as such .

  19. 其次是对于《春秋纬》在历代整理和研究的梳理,将其分为了文本整理、星占研究、文献征引三个方面。

    Section Two is the review of sorting and research of Chun Qiu Wei of previous scholars , which mainly centers on the text collation , the astrology research and the document quotation .

  20. 研究星占学对汉代社会的影响,对于认识星占学理论和深入了解汉代的历史和文化都具有重要意义。

    Astrology Study influence to the impact of the Han Dynasty , for our theoretical understanding of astrology and in-depth understanding of the history and culture of the Han Dynasty of great significance .

  21. 《度量之书》的作者是伊本·艾兹拉,他不仅是著名的犹太哲学家和语言学家,也是星占学家、数学家、诗人。

    The author of the Book of Measurements is Abraham Ibn Ezra . He is not only a famous Jewish philosopher , a linguist ; but also an astrologer , a mathematician and a poet .

  22. 本文除了介绍一些基本的星占学理论外,更注重分析星占与两汉社会的互动关系,总结出星占学在汉代的社会作用和意义。

    This paper not only describes some of the basic theory of astrology , And also pays attention to analysis astrology nd two Hans social interactive relation , summing up astrology Producted social function and meaning in Han Dynasty .

  23. 本文着重探讨天文历法与政治间的互动,特别关注星占在政治运作、军事斗争等方面是中是如何发挥作用的,也探讨政治权力对天文历法知识确立过程的影响。

    The subject of the present study is focus on the interaction between politics and Astrological divination , especially on how Astrological divination make role in process of political struggle and military fight , also on how politic power influence establishment of astrology and calendar knowledge .

  24. 方术是一种较为庞杂的思想体系,在中国历史上影响深远,其内容覆盖面十分广泛,包括卜筮,星占,相术,堪舆,占梦,择吉,符咒等等。

    Square technique is a relatively large and complex system of thought , far-reaching impact in Chinese history , and the content coverage is extensive , including divination , astrology , physiognomy , geomancy , dream interpretation , pick an auspicious day , spells , and so on .