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xī nián
  • Previous years;in former years
昔年 [xī nián]
  • [in former years] 前几年;从前

  • 昔年欲登未登者。--《徐霞客游记.游黄山记》

昔年[xī nián]
  1. 据说昔年,两位如花似玉的仙女将色泽艳丽的牡丹,植于寺院之内。

    It is said that two beautiful fairies transplant the gorgeous peony into the temple .

  2. 昔年欢乐夜,景星放光明,众天使赞美不停。

    The stars glittered bright Throughout that glad night , And angels praised God in heaven .

  3. 讲管理,昔年高利润,再投资,新年大发展。

    Stress was laid on management , and high profits were gained in the old year . Reinvest and there will Be a great development in the New Year .

  4. 这就是甜瓜当下的处境,与火箭和雷霆的不欢而散,使众多球迷忘却了昔年的得分表演。

    Such is the case for Carmelo Anthony , whose forgettable tenures with the Oklahoma City Thunder and Houston Rockets , have forced far too many fans to forget about the high-scoring outbursts of yesteryear .

  5. 孔尚任通过清流名士、秦淮名妓、清客艺人三种文化意象,来咀嚼旧国昔年的文化诗意。《诗经·国风》女性形象与水文化意象关系之探微

    Kong Shang-ren tasted the cultural poetic flavor through the three cultural images of the celebrities , prostitutes and actors . An Analysis of the Relationship Between Female Characters and the Imagery of Water in Songs of the City States