
yì rán wù
  • combustibles;inflammable
  1. 这片区域都是易燃物。

    This area 's filled with combustibles .

  2. 氧必须同可燃物和易燃物间隔至少20英尺,或者间隔一道半小时的防火墙。

    Oxygen must be separated from flammables and combustibles by 20 feet or a half-hour fire wall .

  3. 火灾发生时80年代的硬摇滚乐队GreatWhite正在进行表演,舞台上燃放的烟火引燃了易燃物电话,引发了火灾。

    The blaze was caused by pyrotechnics that ignited flammable phone during the show featuring the 80s hard rock band , Great White .

  4. 木材和其他易燃物应远离火源。

    Keep wood and other fuel sources away from fire .

  5. 杉木人工林地表易燃物含水率变化规律

    Study on the Moisture Change of Surface Easy Fuel of Chinese fir Plantation

  6. 但近三周的超干燥天气,基本上使土地变成了易燃物。

    But nearly three weeks of super-dry weather have basically turned the ground into kindling .

  7. 在投保单上你被问及是否有任何易燃物被存储在房屋里。

    In the proposalform you were asked whetherany inflammable materi alswere stored on the premises .

  8. 易燃物燃烧发出热、光、(经常还有)烟的过程。

    The process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and ( often ) smoke .

  9. 被认定为易燃物的产品在产品使用过程中可能引起燃烧。

    Products identified as spontaneously combustible may cause rags and cloths used with the product to burn on their own .

  10. 因为这里有很多易燃物,所以几乎没有人从上面,把火把拿进这些房间&他被发现的机会很少。

    Because of many combustibles , torches were almost never brought down to these rooms & there was little chance he would be discovered .

  11. 而更糟的是,其中每间房子都是作为一种易燃物带来火花然后为火焰助力,而后推动火焰向前很快移动。

    Worse , each of these serves as a kind of tinderbox catching sparks then fueling the flames onward and those flames move fast .

  12. 焊接的熔渣或火花落在下面或附近的易燃物或裹在工作服或手套内,能阴燃起火。

    The drop of the solutes and fused dregs around the flaable content or on the uniform and gloves could cause fire from hidden burn .

  13. +作业要求有档证明,没有围反物料标示如高度,方向,静电,易燃物,危险化学品。

    Requirements well documented . , no violation of material storage advise such as height , direction , static sensitive , flammable , dangerous chemicals .

  14. 为确保气瓶在使用之前的清洁,储存区应是干净、干燥、通风良好以及无易燃物的地方。

    Storage areas should be clean , dry , well ventilated and free of combustible materials to ensure that cylinders remain clean up to the time of use .

  15. 仿真时,在巷道随机设置多处易燃物,当热流流经巷道时采用热流蔓延模型使得易燃物在一定条件下被引燃,产生热流与原有热流共同传播;

    During simulation , combustibles are randomly scattered along tunnels and burn under certain conditions , the new generated heat flow then propagates together with old heat flow ;

  16. 如果火车装有危险物或易燃物,谨记逃离时避开这些物品。

    Be aware that if the train you are on is also carrying dangerous or combustible materials , you will need to avoid these as you make your escape .

  17. 从分析森林火灾3要素(火源、易燃物特性及着火环境)出发,建立了以着火环境中的气象条件为主,综合考虑其它要素的森林火险预报集成模式。

    Integrate model for forest fire risk is built on the basis of analyzing three factors such as fire source , feasible fire features and environment causing fire , and other factors being considered also .

  18. 一种美洲春天开花的林地草本植物,具有鞘的叶,一个直立的棒状肉穗状花序,果实为鲜红色。顶端带有易燃物的木棒或纸棒。

    Common American spring-flowering woodland herb having sheathing leaves and an upright club-shaped spadix with overarching green and purple spathe producing scarlet berries . thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical ; ignites with friction .

  19. 膜法分离氮气在易燃物贮存及装运和蔬菜水果保鲜等方面的应用正在迅速增长,膜法在生产95~99%纯度范围内的氮气十分合适,优于其它传统方法。

    Nitrogen productions via memoranes is growing rapidly for applications requiring inert gas blanketing such the storage and shipment of flammable liquids and fresh fruits and vegetables . Membranes are most efficient when producing nitrogen in the 95 ~ 99 % range . gas system .

  20. 硅酸盐涂层不易燃纺织物

    Textile fabric coated with silicates to render it non-inflammable

  21. 1953年的易燃织物法又是一例。

    The Flammable Fabrics Act of1953is still another example .

  22. 压力容器通常在承压状态下工作,并且所接触的介质多为高温或易燃易爆物,一旦发生事故,将会给人们的生命财产造成不可估量的损失。

    Pressure vessels work in pressurized situations , and they deal with the mediums of high temperature and flammable or explosive natures .

  23. 一方面,工业发展迅速提升,由化工易燃易爆物导致潜在的火灾和爆炸事故发生的可能性增加。

    On the one hand , flammable and explosive materials which led to the potential fire and explosion accidents often occur with the rapid increase of industrial development .

  24. 而石漠化地区植被恢复初期地表易燃可燃物的大量积累,使得森林火灾形势极为严峻。

    Vegetation recovery is definitely very important for rocky desertification area . But there is more risk of fire disaster in the process of forest restoration because of the accumulating of fuels from vegetation .

  25. 随着公路隧道的发展,由车辆在隧道中相互撞击或装有易燃易爆物燃烧等引起的隧道火灾事故越来越多。

    With the development of the long highway tunnels , the fire hazard of tunnel fire accident become more and more on account of friction hit of vehicles and the burning of flammable and explosive substances or other sorts of reasons .

  26. 在有甲醇、甲醛、煤气、氯气等易燃、易爆物的化工厂生产区内控爆拆除38.5m高钢筋混凝土框架式结构九层楼房。

    In this paper , a successful controlled blasting of reinforced concrete frame nine-story building ( 38.5m hight ) in inflammable and explosive chemical plant with methanol , formaldehyde , gas , ammonia , etc. was described .

  27. 易燃液体放火物鉴定中干扰物排除的研究

    Study on the Interference Elimination during the Determination of Flammable Liquid in Arson Fire

  28. 把易燃或可燃物和氧化物隔开至少20英尺或半小时的防火墙。

    Separate flammables or combustibles from oxidizers by at least 20 feet or a half-hour firewall .

  29. 最后对漳平市另一易燃的可燃物马尾松类型开展地表可燃物负荷量估测及分析。

    Finally , the other fuel types of Masson pine plantation 's surface fuel loadings were also estimated and analyzed .

  30. 为避免意外,要在通风、远离易燃、易爆物的地方使用。

    To avoid risk of fire , Son of Hibachi is to be used in a well ventilated area and away from combustible or explosive materials .