
  • 网络Star stocks;glamour stock
  1. 1997年,CharlesRiverVentures的基金回报率达到惊人的15倍,投资股票包括Ciena、Vignette和Flycast等超级明星股。

    In 1997 , Charles River Ventures yielded a stunning 15x return for its fund , backing such superstars as ciena , vignette and FlyCast .

  2. 第四,证券分析师在给出不同评级时会考虑评级前股票的一个走势,即说明中国的证券分析师是信息驱动型的,喜欢关注市场热点和关注明星股。

    Fourth , securities analysts giving different rating will consider the trend of the stock before rating . Namely , the Chinese securities analyst is information-driven , prefers to concerned about the hot market and the star shares .

  3. 在被媒体包围的世界,明星一股逐渐兴起的新生力量。

    In this media-saturated world , celebrity is a growing new power .

  4. 劳拉斯通、乔治亚贾格尔、杰西卡哈特等明星带动了这股整牙风,这种“麦当娜式的”露齿而笑去年成为纽约不少沙龙里客户的要求。

    Made popular by the likes ofmodels Lara Stone , Georgia Jagger and Jessica Hart , the Madonna-style grin became a requested look at New York salons last year .

  5. 劳拉•斯通、乔治亚•贾格尔、杰西卡•哈特等明星带动了这股整牙风,这种“麦当娜式的”露齿而笑去年成为纽约不少沙龙里客户的要求。

    Made popular by the likes of models Lara Stone , Georgia Jagger and Jessica Hart , the Madonna-style grin became a requested look at New York salons last year .

  6. 于是证券市场上出现了一种普遍现象,那就是大量个人投资者跟进明星基金的重仓股来进行投资。

    As a result , there is a common phenomenon in our stock market : a large number of individual investors follow the star funds by investing the heavy storehouse burst .