- 【物】bright field

In nano-scale , the interfacial layered structures were observed on TEM bright field images ( bfi ) and dark field images ( dfi ) .
A multi-beam bright field and two beam dark field electron microscope technique were applied to the determination of the Burgers vectors of dislocation .
The selected area electron diffraction ( SAED ) of the sample displays two sets of diffraction rings for Ag and Cu . It is interest to be observed by the transmission electron microscope bright-field ( TEM-BF ) images that most of nanoparticles have brighter center features .
The conventional method of calculating higher-order Laue Zone ( HOLZ ) line patterns in a convergent-beam electron diffraction ( CBED ) bright field disc has been extended to the case of the cubic quasicrystal .
Comparison of bright - field alignment with dark - field alignment
The light region is mainly amorphous phase , but the dark region is mainly crystalline phase .
Multiple dark field image can readily be used in revealing the relation between dif - fraction pattern and bright-and dark-field images .
The bright field tunneling electron microscope ( TEM ) image shows that the novel VO2 thin films contained of polycrystalline nanocrystal .
This paper will explain the field 's influence to life activities in terms of the compatible electromagnetism system of people 's body itself .
It is demonstrated in the paper that epitaxial growth from the crystalline substrate at melt bottom is the most critical factor during laser glazing .
The rotating scan imaging is formed by the rotating of the work platform and the movement of the image collecting instrument , and the seamless mosaic algorithm is discussed .
Compared to the traditional method which gives images with bright & field , this new method reveals more details , enhances contrast and it is able to eliminate ghost images remarkably from other sections .
Black clouds , thunder and lightning show that a storm is imminent .
Jia Ming ran to the sports field to play football with his classmates .
Objective To probe diagnostic value of oral Ferrimage in differential diagnosis of extrahepatic biliary obstructive diseases using low field MR.
That show at the Flamingo gets better and better .