
  • 网络kunming zoo
  1. 昆明动物园区域布局合理性分析与评价

    Analyzing and Assessing Rationality of Spatial Distribution of Kunming Zoo

  2. 昆明动物园迁地保护及管理分析

    Analysis on Ex Situ Conservation and Management of Animals in Kunming Zoo

  3. 昆明动物园野生鸟类群落及与环境的关系

    The Wild Bird Community and the Relation Between the Community and the Environment in Kunming Zoo

  4. 昆明动物园圈养水鹿、梅花鹿的饲养及行为观察

    The Preliminary Study of the Feeding Management and Behaviour of Captive Sambar and Sika Deer in Kunming Zoo

  5. 优美的环境和谐的空间&昆明动物园孔雀园规划设计

    The Graceful Environment and Harmonious Space & The Planning and Design of the Peacock Yard in Kunming Zoo

  6. 以昆明动物园为例,陈述动物饲养环境、管理和繁育等方面的基本情况;

    The fundamental circumstances of feeding environment , management and breeding facilities of animals were described by analyzing Kunming Zoo as an example .

  7. 云南昆明一家动物园将于情人节那天为一只羊和一只鹿举办婚礼,这对“新人”将受到很多关注和祝福。

    A Valentine 's Day wedding will be held in a zoo in Kunming , southwest Yunnan Province where a sheep and a deer fell in love and drew great interest and blessing from many people .