
  • 网络Time converter;Time-Turner;Time Turner
  1. 时间转换器(囚徒,第21章)-时间转换器是一只小小的银色的沙漏,用一条链子挂在脖子上。

    Time Turner ( PA21 ) - The Time Turner is a small silver hourglass worn on a chain around the neck .

  2. 日期时间转换器是JWL客户脚本库的一个工具。

    DateTimeConverter is a utility of the JWL client script library .

  3. 也许时间转换器和占卜术又以某种方式发生了作用?

    Will time turners or divination come into play in some way again ?

  4. 日期和时间转换器现已支持22种本地化语言。

    Date & Time Converters localized to22 languages .

  5. 脉冲幅度-时间转换器

    Pulse-height to time converter

  6. CF60型彩色放大机控制系统的主要部分是色分析器和光密度/曝光时间转换器。

    The main parts of the CF-60 colour enlarger control system are colour analyser and density / expousure time converte .

  7. 基于FPGA的高分辨力时间数字转换器的应用研究

    Application Research of the Time to Digital Converter with High Resolution Based on FPGA

  8. 0.18MCMOS中用于频率综合的时间数字转换器

    Time-to-digital converter for frequency synthesis in 0.18 μ m CMOS

  9. 16通道高分辨CAMAC时间数字转换器

    16 Channel High Resolution CAMAC TDC

  10. 介绍一种16通道高分辨CAMAC时间数字转换器组件,具有12位动态范围,其最小时间分辨达26ps,16个通道的总变换时间仅15μs。

    A 16 channel high CAMAC TDC module with 26 ps resolution and total 15 μ s conversion time was developed .

  11. 本文介绍了BES顶点探测器电子学系统的电路原理和它的功能,着重于时间数字转换器的技术性能,给出了某些电路框图。

    This paper , describes the circuit principle and functions of electronics system of the vertex chamber for the BES , emphasizing on the technical performance of time to digital converter . Some of circuit block dia-grams are given .

  12. 特别是近年来对连续时间Sigma-Delta模数转换器的研究,因为其相对于离散时间架构在功耗上的优势而成为了一个研究热点。

    The continuous-time sigma delta ADC has become a hot research direction for its potential in low power consumption over discrete-time counterparts .

  13. 时间&数字转换器在时间间隔误差测量中的应用

    Application of the Time-to-Digit Converter in the Measurement of Time Interval Error

  14. 讨论了时间&数字转换器实现原理。讨论了时间间隔误差的定义及其在同步系统分析中的重要性。

    The principle of Time-to-Digit Converter as well as the definition and the importance of the time interval error in synchronous system analysis are discussed in this paper .

  15. 而与离散时间型Sigma-Delta模数转换器相比,连续时间型Sigma-Delta模数转换器具有天然抗混叠和低功耗的特性。

    Compared with the discrete-time Sigma-Delta ADCs , continuous-time Sigma-Delta ADCs have a natural anti-aliasing feature and also relatively low power consumption .

  16. 可是,这种信号发生器的上限频率的提高受存储器的读取时间和数模转换器的转换速度的限制。

    However , extending the upper frequency of such function signal generator is limited by the read-out time of the memory and the conversion rate of the digital-to-analog converter .