
  • 网络fashion;Fashion design;Fashion Designing
  1. 她1960年来到伦敦学习时装设计。

    She came to London in 1960 to study fashion design .

  2. 不应该自命不凡地嘲笑大学里的酒席承办和时装设计课程。

    There should be no snobbish mockery of catering or fashion design as university subjects .

  3. 这些服装中有很多出自世界顶级时装设计公司。

    Many of the clothes come from the world 's top fashion houses

  4. 然而,热门专业第四名却有点意思:包括时装设计、室内设计和网页/平面设计在内的设计相关专业相当受欢迎。

    However , things get interesting when it comes to the fourth place : Design-related majors including fashion design , interior design and Web / graphic design are quite popular .

  5. 关于我在时装设计学院的高级时装,我决定在家里尝试3D打印整个时尚系列。

    For my senior collection at fashion design school , I decided to try and 3D print an entire fashion collection from my home .

  6. 我俩就站在安娜•温图尔时装设计中心(AnnaWintourCostumeCenter)的节能馆(自2014年以来,服装学院展览馆就被改为现名)。

    We are standing in the conservation lab of what , since 2014 , has been named the Anna Wintour Costume Center .

  7. 上周五,美国零售及时装设计公司拉尔夫o劳伦(RalphLauren)公布了第四季度业绩。

    On Friday , U.S. retailer and clothing designer Ralph Lauren ( RL ) reported earnings for the fourth quarter .

  8. 对话发生在一家时装设计公司Elektra。

    It takes place at Elektra , a fashion design company .

  9. 时装设计品牌拉尔夫•劳伦(RalphLauren)表示,它将不会与罗切特续签一份专门针对里约奥运会的赞助合同。

    Ralph Lauren , the fashion design label , said it would not be renewing a sponsorship contract with Mr Lochte that was specific to the Rio Olympics .

  10. 正如蔻依(Chloé)的克莱尔·维特·凯勒(ClareWaightKeller)所说,“过去做时装设计的情绪板(moodboard)需要几个星期的切实调研,如今花一下午从Instagram上搜罗素材就可以了。”

    As Clare Waight Keller of Chlo é observed : " A mood board that would have taken a few weeks of solid research now can be assembled in an afternoon on Instagram . "

  11. 纸张也用到了时装设计上:迪奥(Dior)春季高级定制时装秀上的剪纸状丝绸裙(中),加勒斯·普(GarethPugh)记事卡风格的衣服(中部最左边)。

    References to paper are making their way into fashion design : at Dior 's spring couture show in the form of cut-out silk ( center ) and in Gareth Pugh 's notecard-style pieces ( top far left ) .

  12. 这件在婚礼前的几周里由法国纪梵希(Givenchy)时装设计室的首位女性艺术总监克莱尔·维特·凯勒(ClareWaightKeller)设计的礼服,一直是人们激烈讨论的话题。

    The dress , which had been the subject of agitated speculation for weeks leading up to the wedding , was designed by Clare Waight Keller , the first female artistic director at the French fashion house Givenchy .

  13. 毕业之后,我一直从事时装设计工作。

    I 've been working as a fashion designer since graduation .

  14. 现代艺术对时装设计的影响是深刻的。

    Modern art has a great influence on fashion design .

  15. 后现代高级时装设计的反叛特征及其对丝绸的要求

    The Rebelling Characteristics in Post-modern Fashion Design and its Resort to Silk

  16. 解读中国元素在时装设计中的新表象

    Interpret the New Visage of the Fashion Design within Chinese-Elements

  17. 我想要我的时装设计路线获得巨大成功。

    I want my fashion line to be hugely successful .

  18. 你愿意开出租车还是愿意做时装设计?

    Would you rather drive a cab or design clothes ?

  19. 马尔瓦喜欢时装设计及她喜欢代理。

    Marwa loves fashion design and she likes acting .

  20. 民族图案在时装设计中的应用

    Application of the national pattern in the fashion design

  21. 麦当娜表示她可以毫不避讳地说她非常喜欢时装设计。

    Madonna says it 's no secret that she loves world of fashion .

  22. 也许有一天,我能够参加国际上的时装设计比赛。

    Maybe one day I can attend an international competition of fashion design .

  23. 艾玛独特的风格使她的时装设计风靡全球。

    Emma 's unique style makes her fashion designs popular around the world .

  24. 此类精纺面料会用于女式时装设计和缝制。

    With them are the clean worsteds for couture .

  25. 系列时装设计与创意的可延伸性

    The Extendibility of Serial Fashion Design and Originality

  26. 除此之外,我一直在做着我的时装设计。

    For the rest , I have always done my work of fashion designers .

  27. 而甲骨文不过是一位在闷热的工厂里将她的时装设计缝合在一起的苦力而已。

    Oracle was the laborer left stitching together her designs in a stuffy factory .

  28. 传统中国画中的图案也被编织或印在时装设计中。

    Motifs from traditional Chinese painting also end up in woven or printed fashion designs .

  29. 她最著名的创作作品是一只虚构的兔子,她穿着最新的时装设计。

    Her most famous creation is a fictional bunny dressed in the latest runway designs .

  30. 本论文的结构主要分为以下三大块:1.概括总结民族服饰元素在现代时装设计中的应用现状。

    Summarizing the elements of national dress in modern fashion design application status . 2 .