
  • 网络FASHION;fashion elements
  1. 这款新型SClass汽车拥有了工程师所能设想到的一切机械、电子与时尚元素。

    The new s class contains every mechanical , electronic , and fashion refinement that engineers could imagine .

  2. 服装的造型是由当代的时尚元素之语言符号和形态要素来表达的一种动态的形象构成的。

    Modeling is a dynamic image composite expressed by the contemporary fashion .

  3. 独特的3D立体花纹设计,融入更多的时尚元素,让整个镜片充满层次感。

    Unique3D stereoscopic pattern design , into more fashionable element , let whole lens full of administrative levels .

  4. 杭盖街(HangGai)上的BooSkateshop服装店背后的团队吸取了当今美国流行趋势中的时尚元素。

    The team behind Boo Skateshop in Hang Gai , draws from current American trends .

  5. 他们在eBay上以零售价格出售七次,他们甚至发现这种玩具成为了最新篇系列电影一种非常流行的时尚元素。

    They 're selling on eBay for like seven times theretail priceand they even found their way into the newest installment of a very popular movie franchise .

  6. 第二小时将播出大结局。CW台还将在当晚放出《欲望都市》(SexandtheCity)前传《凯丽日记》(TheCarrieDiaries)独家片段。这个同样发生在纽约的故事也和《八卦天后》一样充满时尚元素。

    Appropriately fans of Manhattan 's elite will also be treated to an exclusive sneak peek at the another fashion-heavy , New York-based series , the Sex and the City prequel The Carrie Diaries .

  7. 你最喜欢的时尚元素和网站是什么?

    What are your favorite fashion items and websites ?

  8. 可如今,许多年轻人把拖鞋视为一种时尚元素。

    But now , many young people view them as a fashion item .

  9. 时尚元素:服装形态语义研究

    Fashion Elements : A Semantic Study of Clothing

  10. T恤是一个经典的时尚元素,永远都不会落伍。

    The T-shirt is a classic fashion item that never goes out of style .

  11. 同时有浪漫气氛,又有时尚元素。

    with romantic textures . and trendy infusion .

  12. 源自17世纪的英伦田园风格,在清新自然,惬意浪漫中融入时尚元素。

    British rural style originating from the17 century is naturally fresh which integrates romance into fashion .

  13. 这是消费社会存在的另一个时尚元素。

    This is another fashion element .

  14. 新飞跃来源于中国,并集中国经典功夫和当代时尚元素于一体。

    It came from China , with combination of classical , Kung Fu and fashion elements .

  15. 这一季的主打时尚元素有:

    Key looks this season are :

  16. 这一季的主打时尚元素有:太阳镜。运动型的、带有大标志的宽包边墨镜。

    Key looks this season are : Sunglasses : sporty , with wrap-around shapes and big logos .

  17. 作为内衣文化时尚元素之一的内衣模特,对内衣最具人性化意义的完美诠释。

    As one element of cultural fashion underwear lingerie model , underwear most humane sense of the perfect interpretation .

  18. 他们非常喜欢诸如青蛙、兔子、维多利亚时期校服以及巴黎女装这些时尚元素。

    They are like fashion chameleons dressing like frogs , bunnies , Victorian school marms and Parisian ladies-you name it .

  19. 而她能入选本榜单的原因就是:她健康、完整的活下来了,而她的银幕形象的时尚元素一直影响到今天。

    The reason she makes this list : She survived , unscathed , with a signature style that 's still copied today .

  20. 接受最新观念和时尚元素,融合中西方哲学思想,才能培养全新的最具创造精神的思维方式。

    The creative way of thinking can be developed by accepting the latest concept and fashion trend and combining Chinese and western philosophy .

  21. 本次展览回溯了夏洛克风格的发展历程,研究了夏洛克风格如何在其演变发展的过程中,依然保有鲜明的维多利亚时尚元素。

    The exhibition provides a retrospective of Sherlockian style , investigating how it has evolved while retaining its instantly recognizable Victorian fashion DNA .

  22. 表演将体现印度不同的文化艺术元素,包括具有时尚元素的现代舞,传统的印度乡村、节日舞蹈,以及宝莱坞电影的精华&印度婚典歌舞。

    The production will blend modern dance , traditional country and festival dance , as well as wedding performances , the highlight of Bollywood movie .

  23. 传统节日和洋节日相比,在文化和内涵上并不逊色,缺少的就是被现代人所追捧的时尚元素。

    Compared with foreign festivals , traditional Chinese festivals are not inferior in cultural connotation , but lack of fashionable elements pursued by modern people .

  24. 过往众多的俱乐部,都会给人一种既定的感觉:色彩斑斓,衣香鬓影,聚集着大都会的各种时尚元素。

    Many clubs tend to showcase in a fixed image : dazzling colors , gorgeous clothing , and all elements of vogue in the metropolitan .

  25. 具有传统吉祥文化元素与典雅时尚元素完美结合的现代银饰将成为消费热点。

    The modern silver jewelry , which be able to integrate traditional culture elements with auspicious elegant and fashionable element , will become the consumption hotspot .

  26. 如果大包的确是时尚元素,那就分场合、象征性地搭配就好。

    If it ( a big bag ) is a fashion accessory , then occasional ( 10 ) and symbolic ( 11 ) use is fine .

  27. 而现如今,时尚元素占领着我们的世界,潮流向前推赶着我们,放眼望去,恍如隔世。

    And now nowadays , fashionable element is occupational our world , tide is pushed ahead driving us , scan widely looks , if suddenly separates an era .

  28. 彩铃业务融入了音乐的最新时尚元素,让用户和流行同步,为用户提供更多彩的生活空间。

    The coloring ring back tone which is the latest fashion elements of music , allowing users to synchronize with pop and providing users with more colorful living space .

  29. 绝代双骄茶香枕将中国茶养生与传统吉祥文化巧妙结合,融入时尚元素,彰显其独到的原创魅力。

    Double arrogant * if will be keeping Chinese tea pillow with traditional auspicious culture and clever union , and reveal the fashionable element in the original creative charm .

  30. 勿庸置疑,在即将到来的巴西世界杯上,球员穿的定制西服远不止展示时尚元素——至少那些代表富有国家参加世界杯的球员并非如此。

    Indeed , there is more than fashion to the tailoring that players will be spotted in over the coming tournament - at least those players representing the wealthier nations .