
  • 网络Time End
  1. 和你相依相偎直到时光尽头。

    Side by side with you till end .

  2. 和你相偎相依直到时光尽头,我永远是紧紧我你手的那个人。

    Side by side with you till the end , I 'll always be the one to firmly hold your hand .

  3. 和你相偎相依直到时光尽头,我永远是紧握你手的那个人。无论什么已成定局我们的爱都将继续下去!

    Side by side with you till the end I will always be the one to firmly hold your hand No matter what is said or done Ourlove will always continue on !

  4. 当这个世界沧海桑田,我们已来到时光的尽头。

    When the seas and mountains fall , And we come , to end of days .

  5. 而这些灰白的头发,对死亡的追逐,证明了尘世时光的尽头。

    And these grey locks , the pursuivants of death , Argue the end of Edmund Mortimer .