
zǎo lǎo xìnɡ chī dāi
  • Alzheimer's disease
  1. 其中140多人患上了早老性痴呆症。

    More than 140 people developed Alzheimer 's disease .

  2. 目的:寻找具有钙离子拮抗作用和乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制活性双重作用机制的早老性痴呆(Alzheimer′SDisease,AD)新型抑制剂。

    AIM : To obtain new typical compounds with dual mechanism , antagonizing Ca ~ ( 2 + ) and inhibiting acetylcholinesterase , on Alzheimer 's disease .

  3. 到了什么时候算是有必要把早老性痴呆病人送到养老院去?

    At what point does it become necessary to place a demented person in a nursing home ?

  4. 研究指出,富含维他命E和C的食物可以预防早老性痴呆症。

    They both suggest that foods that contain vitamins E and C can protect against Alzheimer 's.

  5. 总抗氧化状态、高敏C反应蛋白联合血脂检测在早老性痴呆症诊断中的应用研究

    Study on the combining assay of total antioxidant status , high sensitive Creactive protein and serum lipids in the diagnosis of Alzheimer 's disease

  6. 早老性痴呆即阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer'SDisease,AD)是一种以进行性高级认知功能障碍和记忆功能丧失为特征的老年性疾病。

    Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) is a disorder associated with progressive degeneration in memory and in the recognition functions of old people .

  7. 早老性痴呆大脑cDNA文库构建及目的基因克隆

    Construction of the Cerebrum cDNA Library of an Alzheimer 's Disease Patient and Cloning of Interesting Genes

  8. 用RT-PCR方法定量检测脑内早老性痴呆有关基因的表达

    Quantitative determination of Alzheimer ′ s disease related gene expression in the brain of mice by RT PCR

  9. 研究人员表示,常吃富含维他命E的人患早老性痴呆症的几率比其他人低了70%。

    The researchers said the group eating foods with the most vitamin E had a 70 % lower chance of developing Alzheimer 's than the others .

  10. 近年来,VD的发病率呈明显上升趋势,在我国甚至超过早老性痴呆(Alzheimer'SDisease,AD),占老年期痴呆病因的首位。

    In recent years , the incidence of vascular dementia rose quickly , even exceeded Alzheimer 's Disease in our country and became the first pathogeny of dementia .

  11. 目的探讨总抗氧化状态(TAS)、高敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)联合血脂检测在早老性痴呆症诊断中的价值。

    Objective Study on the significance of combining assay of total antioxidant status ( TAS ), high sensitive C-reactive protein ( hs-CRP ) and serum lipids in the diagnosis of Alzheimer 's disease .

  12. 利用两种复杂性测度的算法(复杂度与近似熵)对早老性痴呆(AD)病人和正常人的脑电进行分析,并绘制脑电信息图(BIM)。

    This paper utilizes two kinds of algorithm of complexity measure ( complexity and approximate entropy ) to analyze the EEG of alzheimer disease ( AD ) patients and healthy persons and draws their brain information mapping ( BIM ) .

  13. 在这期间,约有130人患上了早老性痴呆症。

    About 130 people developed Alzheimer 's disease during that time .

  14. 早老性痴呆病&淀粉样蛋白Aβ研究进展

    Alzheimer 's Disease : Advance in Researches on β - Amyloid Protein

  15. 提督益脑针法对早老性痴呆大鼠中枢胆碱能神经系统的影响

    Effect of Acupuncture on Cholinergic Central Nervous System in Rat of Alzheimer Disease

  16. 研究人员表示,这些研究并不能证明维他命可以防止早老性痴呆症。

    Researchers say these studies do not prove that the vitamins can prevent Alzheimer 's.

  17. 研究人员在早老性痴呆症患者的大脑中发现了这种细胞破坏的痕迹。

    Researchers have found evidence of this cell damage in the brains of Alzheimer 's patients .

  18. 早老性痴呆转基因小鼠的研究

    Study of the Transgenic mice model of Alzheimer disease by use of Human Mutant APP gene

  19. 里根在第二个任期内基本上不参与日常事务,而且不时显示出早老性痴呆病的症状。

    In his second term Reagan was frequently detached from day-to-day business and displayed some symptoms of Alzheimer ' s.

  20. 两项新的研究表明,在食物中发现的维他命可防止人患阿耳茨海默氏病??早老性痴呆症。

    Two new studies suggest that some vitamins found in foods can protect a person from developing Alzheimer 's disease .

  21. 如果已经找到有效的治疗方法,我们就不会担心测到导致早老性痴呆症的有缺陷基因了。

    We would not worry about testing for a predisposing gene for Alzheimer 's disease if we already had the cure .

  22. 早老性痴呆,肺炎,肺痈,吐血,痔疮,便血,打扑伤肿毒等。

    Alzheimer 's disease ﹐ pneumonia , lung cancer , vomiting bleed , haemorrhoids , blood in stool , physical injuries .

  23. 目的研究治疗早老性痴呆症药物石杉碱甲的鼻黏膜吸收特性。

    Objective : To investigate the characteristic of nasal mucosa absorption in vivo of tetramethylpyrazine hydrochloride ( TMP HCl ) in rats .

  24. 测定结果显示,老年人群ε4等位基因频率仅为5.7%,不仅明显低于西方人群,也低于非老年国人,提示中国老年人可能有较低的早老性痴呆遗传易患危险倾向。

    A low frequency of Apo-E type 4 allele was found implicating a low genetic risk for AD in the Chinese old people .

  25. 早老性痴呆症及帕金森氏症神经退化疾病,是脑的一些特殊部位的细胞出现损坏及退化现象。

    Alzheimer 's and Parkinson 's are neurodegenerative diseases in which cell damage and degeneration is seen in certain specific areas of the brain .

  26. 最近发现的几种导致早老性痴呆症的有缺陷基因给制药业提供了重要信息以找出针对这些细胞靶的有效药物。

    The recent discovery of several genes whose malfunctioning leads to Alzheimer 's provides the pharmaceutical industry with important molecular targets for drug development .

  27. 研究人员在周一声称在鱼油中发现一种可能显著降低早老性痴呆和其他痴呆的相关物质。

    A substance found in fish oil may be associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing Alzheimer 's and other dementias , researchers reported Monday .

  28. 与饮食正常的同伴相比,那些在饮食中摄入热量不够的猴子在脑部出现早老性痴呆症的可能性要低得多。

    Compared to those on a normal diet , the monkeys that were fed the reduced-calorie diet were less likely to have Alzheimer 's disease-type changes in their brain .

  29. 忽然,我母亲的面庞出现了---是我的母亲,是我那位在早老性痴呆病夺去她的理智、夺去她的人的特性、夺去她50磅身躯之前的母亲。

    Suddenly my mother ' s face appeared -- my mother , as she had been before Alzheimer 's disease stripped her of her mind , her humanity and 50

  30. 研究指出,吸烟有导致老年人中的失明、晚年大脑损伤、早老性痴呆病和其他类型的痴呆病的危险。吸烟对妊娠的影响。

    Studies have pointed to smoking as a risk in vision loss among older people , mental impairment later in life , Alzheimer 's disease and other forms of dementia .