
  • 网络The Old Testament;Septuagint
  1. 旧约圣经讲述了神的子民的故事;

    The Old Testament tells the story of the people of God ;

  2. 他们必须相信旧约圣经是受神感动而写成的道。

    They must believe that the Old Testament was inspired by God .

  3. 基督徒在旧约圣经时代为什么战斗呢?

    Why did god 's people fight in Old Testament days ?

  4. 但旧约圣经中大量的预言还没有实现。

    But a very large amount of Old Testament prophecy remains unfulfilled .

  5. 旧约圣经的预言在新约圣经中部分实现了。

    What the Old Testament foretells the New Testament fulfils , in part .

  6. 这本书的启示是十分深刻的,在旧约圣经的根源和希伯来文。

    The book of Revelation is very deep in the Old Testament roots and Hebrew .

  7. 《旧约圣经》中女性形象的文化解读

    The Images of Women in the Old Testament of the Bible : A Cultural Interpretation

  8. 圣经考古有两个主要分支:旧约圣经考古和新约圣经考古。

    Biblical archeology has two main branches : Old Testament archeology and New Testament archeology .

  9. 在旧约圣经时代,以色列的百姓经常从事与别国的战争。

    In the Old Testament the people of Israel often went to war against other nations .

  10. 在最古老的旧约圣经中,你可以看到它缓慢地增加,

    Again , you see a small increase for the oldest books in the Old Testament ,

  11. 在旧约圣经中,耶稣因为不同的原因曾几次出现。

    There are times throughout the Old Testament of the Bible when Jesus appeared for different reasons .

  12. 我想《旧约圣经·创世记》中的创造天地的故事颇有重写的必要。

    I rather think that the Genesis story of the Creation needs to be rewritten all over again .

  13. 玛拉基是去年的12个图书未成年先知在旧约圣经。

    Malachi is the last of the12 books of the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament of the Bible .

  14. 在旧约圣经中我最喜爱的人物之一就了解这一点。

    One of my favorite characters in the Old Testament of the Bible was a man who understood this .

  15. 藏于昆兰洞穴里的这些古书卷是迄今为止已知的旧约圣经中主要卷书中最久远的。

    The ancient manuscripts hidden in the caves near Qumran are the oldest known copies of key Old Testament books .

  16. 除了古迹,旧约圣经考古学家还证明了圣经描述的一些真实的历史事件。

    To their surprise , in1846 , archaeologists found the ruins of an ancient city that conformed to the biblical narrative .

  17. 《旧约圣经》中女性形象的塑造折射出父权制文化中男性作者贬低女性的倾向和对女性所持有的矛盾心理。

    The images of women in the Bible reflect mens depreciation for and contradictory attitudes toward women in the patriarchal culture .

  18. 创世纪是律法书的第一卷书,律法书包括旧约圣经的前五卷书。

    Genesis is the first book of the Law or Torah which consists of the first five books of the Bible .

  19. 在旧约圣经中,整卷箴言的目的,就是要帮助信徒分辨智慧和愚昧。

    The entire book of Proverbs in the Old Testament is written to help believers draw the line between wisdom and folly .

  20. 对《旧约圣经》抒情诗风格的继承是叶芝诗歌抒情性的直接来源。

    Firstly , the inheritance of the lyrical style of The Old Testament of the Bible is the direct origin of his lyricism .

  21. 在旧约圣经中,我们会发现许多故事是有关神探望祂的子民,又或在他们有需要时,神差派人去帮助他们。

    In the Old Testament we find many stories about God visiting his people or sending someone to them when they are in need .

  22. 旧约圣经箴言之一,回答蠢人的问题会让你和发问的人一样蠢。

    One of the Old Testament Proverbs suggests that if you answer a silly question you are just as silly as the one who asked it .

  23. 神带领我去到阿拉伯的沙漠住了三年,在那段期间,神亲自教导我明白旧约圣经的意思。

    God led me into the deserts of Arabia for three years and He taught me what the Scriptures ( the Old Testament ) are all about .

  24. 旧约圣经已经如此教导我们,而基督信徒早在初世纪的时候便已奉行这个教导,特别是在将临期和四旬期的时候如此作。

    The Old Testament taught this , and from the earliest centuries Christians have accepted and applied this lesson , especially at the times of advent and lent .

  25. 贤妇形象的塑造或许可以缓解父权制《旧约圣经》中女性的不幸与悲哀。

    The characterization of such a virtuous woman as Ruth may serve as a relief for women 's misfortune and grief in the patriarchal society of the Old Testament .

  26. 我们想到耶稣教训人时,必需记着,祂的听众主要是熟识旧约圣经的犹太人。

    When we think about Jesus'teaching ministry , we need to remember that most of his audience was made up of Jewish people who knew the Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures .

  27. 在1968年12月24日,环绕月球轨道的阿波罗8号宇航员,圣诞前夕在电视广播上读旧约圣经中的《创世纪》。

    On Dec. 24 , 1968 , the Apollo 8 astronauts , orbiting the moon , read passages from the Old Testament Book of Genesis during a Christmas Eve TV broadcast .

  28. 这件事的事实是:一旦旧约圣经研究过了新约圣经就容易理解。

    The fact of the matter is this : the New Testament can only be understood once the Old Testament has also been studied . the canonical books ( of the Bible )

  29. 大洪水的历史记载最早见于《旧约圣经》,19世纪考古发现亚述泥版及苏美尔泥版中也有大洪水的记载。

    Later , archaeological studies during the 19th century on the cuneiform of clay tablet found also the description of the deluge which is very similar to that in the Old Testament .

  30. 反而,庇哩亚人天天和保罗一起考查旧约圣经,好看看他关于弥赛亚的教导是否是真的。

    Instead , the Bereans read and studied the Scriptures of the Old Testament day by day with Paul present in order to see whether his teaching about the Messiah was true .