
  • 网络Japanese cars
  1. 此类行为令日系车在华销量下降。

    Those actions chilled sales of Japanese cars across China .

  2. 中国消费者可能也担心日系车会成为被人破坏的目标。

    Chinese consumes may also worry that Japanese cars can become targets for vandalism .

  3. 根据市场研究公司J.D.Power&Associates对大约1.5万名中国车主的调查显示,在最近的争议爆发之前,日系车经销商的服务口碑最好。

    Prior to the recent dispute , Japanese car-brand dealers ranked the highest in perception of best service , according to a survey of nearly 15000 Chinese vehicle owners from market research company J.D. Power .

  4. 汽车产业咨询公司LMCAutomotive近期发布的一份报告称,由于本次争端,中国“不排除继续排挤日系车企的可能,借此打击日本经济”。

    China " will not rule out the possibility of continuing to squeeze Japanese companies in order to hit the Japanese economy " as a result of the dispute , according to an October report of LMC Automotive Ltd. , a consultancy .

  5. 模仿日系车与德系车一流品牌的做法毫无意义。

    It makes no sense in copying Japanese and German premium brands .

  6. 日系车逐渐改善,而美国车却沉浸在自满中,从而成为了历史。

    Japanese cars gradually improved while American companies lapsed into complacency , and the rest is history .

  7. 这些嫌疑人被控有严重的暴力行为,包括砸毁一辆日系车,砸碎日资商店窗户,捣毁日本企业的广告牌等。

    The suspects are being accused of several violent incidents , including smashing a Japanese-made car , shop windows and billboards .

  8. 诺曼说,日系车品牌占据的市场份额从2008年的逾31%下降至上个月的大约21%。

    Japanese brands ' market share fell to around 21 % last month from of over 31 % in 2008 , he said .

  9. 但分析人士说,此类举措预计不足以解决日系车在华受欢迎程度下降的问题。

    But such moves are unlikely to be sufficient to address a fall in the popularity of Japanese cars in China , analysts said .

  10. 但在运动型多功能车的市场上,日系车企仍然占有优势,因为欧洲厂商提供的竞争产品并不多。

    But the Japanese have an advantage in the sport-utility vehicle market , with the Europeans not offering much in the way of competition .

  11. 最近,中国开始加强了对钓鱼岛的沿海巡逻,同时加大了外交攻势,意味着对日系车企来说情况不会很快改观。

    China has lately been stepping up its maritime patrols around the disputed islands , while amping up diplomatic rhetoric , suggesting that conditions may not soon improve for Japanese automakers .

  12. 据LMCAutomotive称,日系豪华车品牌雷克萨斯(Lexus)、讴歌(Acura)和英菲尼迪(Infiniti)将奋力度过当前的难关,而宝马(BMW)和奥迪(Audi)则趁着此次事件坐收渔翁之利。

    According to LMC automotive , Japanese luxury brands Lexus , Acura and Infiniti will struggle as BMW and Audi pick up the slack .

  13. 所拥有的产品系列均涉及了美系、欧系、日系及国内各类车种。

    Our products will cover most of USA series , Japanese series , European series and China domestic series .

  14. 日本汽车制造商最近几天报告说,由于中国国内反日情绪蔓延,日系车上个月在华销量暴跌。

    Japanese auto makers have reported in recent days that sales in China plummeted last month , as anti-Japanese sentiment spread .

  15. 这几个月来,只有日本品牌的同比销量增速弱于中国国产品牌,原因是中日领土争端让中国消费者对日本车感到不快,也令一些潜在买家担心,怕买了日系车后遭破坏,或受到骚扰甚至攻击。

    But only Japanese brands have disclosed weaker year-over-year sales than the domestic brands in recent months as a territorial dispute between Beijing and Tokyo soured consumers on Japanese cars and prompted some potential buyers to fear their cars could be vandalized or they could be harassed or even attacked .