
  • 网络sunshine spacing
  1. 传统中仅仅对日照间距和景观视线作为规划的指标,而对节能设计考虑甚少。

    Tradition only sunshine spacing and landscape view as a planning indicator , while the little energy-saving design considerations .

  2. 为设计者在建筑形态选择时提供参考,同时也为满足日照标准的住宅日照间距的推导,提供理论依据及参考。

    Provides a reference for designers to choose the architectural form , but also provides a theoretical basis and reference to derivate the sunshine spacing which meets the standard of residential sunshine .

  3. 住宅日照间距系数的计算方法

    Methods of calculating the coefficient of the buildings insolation interval

  4. 建筑日照间距合理确定的新方法探索

    Exploration of the new method to make architectural sunshine distance

  5. 上海中心城区住宅日照间距等规定刍议

    A discussion on the sunlight rule for residential building in the city centre

  6. 从日照间距谈土地的合理使用

    On the Rational Use of Land From a Sunshine Space Point of View

  7. 用微机计算建筑日照间距的方法

    Method of Calculating Architecture Sunshine Interval by Microcomputer

  8. 建筑日照间距在规划设计中的应用

    Application of sunlit distance in architectural design

  9. 确定住宅建筑日照间距的棒影图综合分析法

    General analytical method to get the residential buildings insolation interval by using stick sunlight shadow chart

  10. 高层、高密度、小地块条件下建筑日照二级间距的控制与协调

    Coordinating and Controlling Method of Two-level Distances among Buildings for Sunshine in High-rised , high-density and Small Land Parcel Areas

  11. 摘要文章对川东村镇住宅的合理间距做了初步的探讨,从日照标准、防火间距、相邻关系方面分析了规划区内外的住宅间距的大小,并给出了参考数值。

    The reasonable house space between of villages and small towns in the east of Sichuan is explored from such aspects as sunlight , fire control and neighbourhood , which can be used as references .

  12. 根据太阳高度角公式,地球自转原理,利用立体几何知识求算出楼房高度与最低日照要求下的间距比值,从而为解决建筑采光纠纷提供技术数据。

    According to the solar altitudinal angle formula , earth rotation principle , ratio of building height and spacing meet minimum sunshine can be calculated by using solid geometry knowledge , technical data can be provided for solving construction daylighting entanglemant .

  13. 同时,将可以表达日照时间长度的日照时数以及可以反映建筑朝向、布局的日照间距作为分析评价指标。

    At the same time , will express sunshine time length of the sunshine duration and can reflect the building toward of the sunlight space as evaluation indexes .

  14. 讨论了几何3DCM、日照分析的基本模型,着重强调日照分析的3个难点问题&阴影显示、日照时间计算、日照间距计算。

    In this paper , investigating geometric 3DCM 、 sunlight models , and concentrating on three key problems-displaying shadows of building , calculating sunlight hours , calculating sunlight interval distance .