
  • 网络JMSDF;Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force;MSDF
  1. 日本海上自卫队2006年海上观阅式

    2006 Japan Maritime Self Defense Force Naval Review

  2. 这部法律授权日本海上自卫队派遣船只为反恐行动提供燃油支持。

    The law authorizes the dispatch of Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force vessels to provide refueling support for antiterrorism operations .

  3. 除了船长之外,日本海上自卫队实际上也拘留了船员,但是后来日放连同船只一起释放了他们。

    Besides the captain , the Japanese Coast Guard detained the crew members , though they were later released along with their boat .

  4. 日本海上自卫队高波级“涟”号导弹驱逐舰24日下午抵达广东省湛江港,开始为期5天的访问。

    The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ship , Sazanami , arrived in Zhanjiang , Guangdong Province Tuesday afternoon to begin a5-day visit to China .

  5. 周一早上,日本海上自卫队的“国东”号战舰离开广岛基地驶向冲绳。

    Meanwhile , a warship belonging to Japan 's Maritime Self-Defense Force , Kunisaki , left its base in Hiroshima for Okinawa earlier Monday .

  6. 日本海上自卫队航空反潜能力综述水面舰艇防潜作战模拟训练的计算机仿真研究

    Airborne Anti - Submarine Warfare of Japan Maritime Self - Defence Force Research of Computer Simulation on Surface Ship Anti - Submarine Defence Imitative Training

  7. 问:上周,日本海上自卫队派遣护卫舰赴索马里亚丁湾海域进行护航,请问中方对此有何评论?

    Q : Last week , Japan Maritime Self Defense Force sent out vessels on convoy missions to the Gulf of Aden and seas off the Somali coast , how do you comment ?

  8. 两国外长会晤时,还就近期涉及中国海军与日本海上自卫队舰艇的一系列事件坦率交换了看法。近几周,这些事件促使双方在外交层面公开表示不满。

    The same meeting also involved a robust exchange of views on a series of incidents involving vessels of the Chinese People 's Liberation Army navy and Japan 's Maritime Self-Defence Force that have prompted public diplomatic complaints from both sides in recent weeks .

  9. 与其官方和平宪法一致,日本拥有“海上自卫队”而非海军。

    In line with its officially pacifist constitution , Japan maintains a'maritime self-defense force'rather than a navy .