
rì cháng
  • daily;everyday;day-to-day;ordinary;usual
日常 [rì cháng]
  • [ordinary;day-to-day;everyday] 平时的,经常的

  • 日常生活

  • 日常工作

日常[rì cháng]
  1. 她负责掌管日常业务。

    She has charge of the day-to-day running of the business .

  2. 她一直在负责学校的日常管理工作。

    She has been looking after the day-to-day running of the school .

  3. 乘车上下班是许多人日常生活的一部分。

    Commuting is a part of daily life for many people .

  4. 有些科学用语也用于日常生活。

    The language of science overlaps with that of everyday life .

  5. 写诗使她从日常生活的例行公事中解脱出来。

    Writing poetry liberated her from the routine of everyday life .

  6. 她渴望有什么事情能排解她日常生活中的烦闷。

    She longed for something to relieve the tedium of everyday life .

  7. 我的工资大多支付房租和各种日常费用了。

    Most of my salary gets swallowed by the rent and bills .

  8. 互联网已成为日常生活的一部分。

    The Internet has become part of everyday life .

  9. 无论哪里人们都在忙着干日常工作。

    Everywhere people were going about their daily business .

  10. 她在日常生活中要接触很多人。

    Her daily life involved meeting lots of people .

  11. 你的日常饮食中淀粉含量太高。

    There 's too much starch in your diet .

  12. 日常饮食与健康之间有着明显的逻辑关联。

    There are obvious continuities between diet and health .

  13. 这些改变逐渐渗进了日常生活。

    These changes were gradually assimilated into everyday life .

  14. 她需要从日常事务中解脱出来,找点有意思的事做。

    She needed to break out of her daily routine and do something exciting .

  15. 她忙于办公室的日常工作。

    She occupied herself with routine office tasks .

  16. 我的日常生活很平淡。

    My day-to-day life is not very exciting .

  17. 她的小说取材自日常生活经验。

    Her novels are anchored in everyday experience .

  18. 对她来说,旅行是为了从乏味的日常生活中暂时解脱出来。

    For her travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life .

  19. 他们的日常饮食以蔬菜为主。

    Their diet consisted largely of vegetables .

  20. 他们的日常饮食以蔬菜为主。

    Their diet consists largely of vegetables .

  21. 她的日常生活总是千篇一律。

    Her routine was invariable .

  22. 我建议你在日常饮食中补充些维生素E和维生素A。

    I suggest supplementing your diet with vitamins E and A.

  23. 家庭假日就是从平淡的日常生活中解脱一下。

    Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine .

  24. 西方的日常饮食应该完全适合于大多数人。

    The western diet should be perfectly adequate for most people .

  25. 良好的日常饮食应该包含大量的新鲜蔬菜。

    A good general diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables .

  26. 他继续剪草坪,并做些其他日常杂务。

    He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores .

  27. 面包、大米和茶叶等日常必需品已实行配给。

    Staples such as bread , rice and tea are already being rationed

  28. 这些运动员不得不改变他们的日常生活习惯和方式。

    The players had to change their daily routine and lifestyle

  29. 他们时常陷入枯燥的日常事务之中。

    All too often they become enmeshed in deadening routines .

  30. 当然,英国人将会耐心地承受这些日常压力。

    Of course , the British will suffer such daily stresses patiently .