
rì dì kōng jiān
  • solar-terrestrial space
日地空间[rì dì kōng jiān]
  1. 电离层是日地空间系统中一个非常复杂的非线性系统,不规则体的存在使得穿过其间的无线电信号到达时间为一随机量,它是影响GPS卫星定位精度主要误差源之一。

    The ionosphere is a nonlinear complicated system in the solar-terrestrial space system , the arrival time of signals passing through the ionosphere is random variance resulting from the existence of the irregularities , which is one of the main sources degrading the accuracy of GPS .

  2. 日地空间电磁环境和彗星之间的相互作用的分析和讨论

    A discussion on the relationship between the comets and the electromagnetic environment of solar-terrestrial space

  3. 太阳活动密切地影响着日地空间环境和地球高空大气结构,太阳耀斑爆发产生的日冕物质抛射(CME)是空间灾害的主要原因之一。

    Solar activity , especially , Coronal Mass Ejection ( CME ) during a large solar activity affected the space environment of human being and could be one of main reasons of the space disaster .

  4. 太阳耀斑是日地空间环境的主要扰动源之一。

    Solar flares are one of the main disturbing sources .

  5. 日地空间中的大尺度涡旋波

    Large Scale Spiral Waves in the Solar Terrestrial Space

  6. 关于日地空间等离子体物理研究的前景

    On the Prospect for the Research of Plasma Physics in Solar - Terrestrial Space

  7. 日地空间环境探测

    Sun - Earth Space Environment Detection

  8. 本文研究日地空间中大尺度涡旋波的特征。

    In this paper , we study the characteristics of the large-scale spiral waves in the solar-terrestrial space .

  9. 空间环境,特别是日地空间环境是人类航天活动关系极为密切的环境。

    The space environment , especially the solar-terrestrial space environment , has close bearings on mankind 's astronautical activities .

  10. 日地空间环境是人类生存和发展的重要场所,但是人类对空间环境的了解,却还处于起步阶段。

    Sun-Earth space environment is vital to human survival and development , but human knowledge about space environment is still in its infancy .

  11. 2002&2020年日地空间物理探测和研究的发展趋势和新的创举;

    The developmental tendency of solar-earth space exploration and research during 2002-2020 , as well as the new measures that will be taken in solar-earth detection ;

  12. 日地空间灾害性扰动过程及其对人类活动的影响重大项目成果简介

    An introduction of the achievements of " adverse disturbance process in the solar-terrestrial space system and its influence on human activities " - major project of National Natural Science Foundation of China

  13. 概述了国外在空间探测的三个方面&日地空间探测、月球探测、行星探测领域取得的科学技术成就,展望各国21世纪的空间探测计划与发展前景。

    The thesis summaries the primary achievements of science and technology on solar-terrestrial space , lunar and planets explorations , prospects the future programmes in space exploration field for the 21st century .

  14. 电离层是日地空间环境的重要组成部分,认识电离层的结构和活动规律,是人类对自身生存环境认识和利用的重要基础。

    Ionosphere is an important part of the space environment , understanding the structure of ionosphere and the rule of the ionospheric activity is an important basis to better understand human living environment .

  15. 应用当代物理学中的量子化方法,将日&地空间量子化。

    The quantum method of the modern physics is used to the space between the Sun and Earth .

  16. 日地关系是空间等离子体物理研究中的一个重要方面,太阳风驱动行星际磁场以及行星际的等离子体与地球偶极磁场的相互作用产生了我们所观测到的磁层。

    Solar-terrestrial relation is an important aspect of space plasma research . The interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ) and plasma , driven by the solar wind , interacts with the dipole field of the earth and generates the observed magnetosphere .